Aavin Milk - Malpractices and misbehaviour by your retailers
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Complaint by: Gopalakrishnan D on December 9, 2010, 10:06 am in Others

The Managing Director

Respected sir

I am writing this email to bring to your kind notice the malpractices and misbehaviour being demonstrated by your retailers. I stay at Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai wherein there are 2 Aavin shops - one on the ECR near the Marundeeshwarar Temple and the other on Beach Road near RTO. Due to the assured quality which I expected from your organization, I used to prefer purchasing your products. But the recent incidents have forced me to think otherwise.

The shop on Beach Road near RTO is run by a person who doesn't even know how to behave with customers. During my regular purchases from him, I have observed that he charges higher than the printed MRP from poor customers, but not from people like me as he knows that we understand our rights. Moreover, instead of giving them what they want, he only sells them premium milk and other products even though he stocks economy products. Moreover, he often misbehaves with his customers, and every now and then one can find him quarelling with his customers. I don't know why you have appointed such a person to promote your product. Instead of selling your wonderful product, he is de-selling them.

The shop on ECR, near the temple, has a similar story. Once I went to purchase cup curd from him and asked for 3 packets. When he gave me, 2 of the 3 packs were open and not in sealed condition. When I insisted him to replace them with proper packs, he refused to do that and asked me to take the open packs if I want. Is this how you assure quality to your customers?

At both the shops, the packed milk is never available and either they insist us to buy premium milk or milk packed by them in loose packets. However, if you ask other non-Aavin shops a few meters from your these 2 establishments, you will definitely get Aavin packed milk, but at a price higher than the MRP. I am sure that your packed milk is being black-marketed by these 2 retailers and they sell spurious milk to poor people who are supposed to receive the right quality of milk which is your organization's core purpose.

I wish to submit that these 2 representatives of your company are taking your customers for a ride by playing with the trust which they have in Aavin brand. In the long term not only will they fill their pockets at the cost of customer and the organization, but also shatter the confidence which your customer has today in your brand.

Being a responsible citizen of this country, I felt that it was my responsibility to bring malpractices to your kind notice. As you are holding a responsible place in your organization, I request you to look into this serious matter. I am sure that you would initiate necessary action to nip the bud of greed in the best interest of the poor people in this country.


Ph: 90940-48619

Complainant's Goal: I want acknowledgement of my complaint and information on punitive action taken
Complainant's Target: Aavin Milk
Complaint Location: IndiaTamil NaduChennai
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Thu, 09 Dec 2010  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Aavin Milk on December 9, 2010, 10:06 am