LGT Bank LLB Bank and Liechtenstein - LGT & LLB & Etc. Banks - Liechtenstein Conclusion & Attention ! !
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Complaint by: jew007 on August 21, 2012, 4:32 am in Business and Finances

Investor Alert. American Jews. World News. World Markets:
U.S. Markets. EU Markets. Asian Markets. Latin Markets. SWX

US Tax- Evasion Problems ! - Jewish $ 95 Bn Compensation !

Next US No.2 LLB Complete Information Request of US- Citizens Bank-
Accounts ( Amtshilfegesuch ) at preparation stage ( Source US Gov. ).
When the present US by No.2 to No.X procedures completed with LLB,
then if not already before, it gets all repeated at the LGT Group AG.
When the US has completed all procedures, then it will be complete !

According findings an US criminal investigation against LLB is ongoing
and when the Offshore- Banks later included, it gets only worse up-to
Prohibition for Handling or Acting with the US- Dollar. The US Justice
Department initially mentioned this as a possibility to be considered.
There is already a Prohibition for the Liechtenstein Monarch or his Family
Members to enter the USA. ( According US Justice & State Department. )

The completion of all US procedures can take about 2 - 3 years, with
very certain outcome verdicts to expect much worse than to imagine !
At US procedures of about 2 - 3 years will be several negative interim-
results published as procedures up-dates of its Tax- Evasion Matters by
at each publication a Stocks or Fonds value reduction of 10 - 30 % !
Additionally and parallel the Jewish $ 95 Bn Compensation Request
which also needs its completion by the payment of Liechtenstein !
Plus as only possible at the Swiss-Stock-Market SIX or SWX legalized
Insider- Trading by LLB itself manipulating its LLB Stock- Price !

On top of it the Threads from the Monarchs also causing instability !

Under such conditions resulting, before it now gets worse, any cautious or
well experienced Investors will now immediately Go-Out of any Liechtenstein
related matters such as LLB- Stocks, LGT & LLB Funds, Certificates, Bonds,
Obligations, Etc. or any Money deposited there ! To Stay Out !
For afterwards just watching it until all US procedures and investigations
verdicts or final confirmations are completely presented, for accordingly
much later new to evaluate and see what’s may up in the future.

Just also to be aware off, that nobody from Europe or USA like to give
LGT & LLB Banks money anymore, contrary, that’s why they so desperately
try to expand to Asian Regions as Singapore, Thailand, China, India, Etc.
as continuation for instead also to abuse the nice peoples there !
According high-level Asian Connections is confirmed, that Asia has already
enough banks by themselves and therefore not interested to get LGT or LLB
and sure not for just experiencing the same as by Europeans or Americans.

Now is also the right moment to get OUT of any Swiss- Franks Based
middle- to long- term Investments, because the Banking- Secret is soon
eliminated for all foreign Clients and as result the Swiss- Franks CHF
will receive a huge Attraction- and Value- Lost as Never Before ! !

LGT & LLB & Etc. or Liechtenstein’s Profit- Scam- Information !

According many publications, LLB confirms a huge profit increase
for the first 6 Months of 2012 of about CHF 62 Mn compare the
years ago same period as an increase of about CHF 47 Mn.
According LLB, this result achieved by reduction of job-employees
to save CHF 20 Mn and the rest by profits of Clients- Investment
on the increasing international Stocks- Markets NYSE, NASDAQ,
Etc., this just luckily as out of LLB Hands control or decisions.

Do they really reduce the number of employees because they
have so much more to do ? ? ?

New Fresh Money they mentioned just received CHF 2 Mn only,
for resulting officially not in the minus they are in-officially.
The CHF 2 Mn compare the total Clients-Assets of CHF 48 Bn
they still holding as they say, represents an increase of 0.004166 %
only and the profit- amount of only CHF 62 Mn is Meaningless.

Additionally LGT & LLB Scam-Talking about the increasing
Liechtenstein Finance Place they so successfully invest in
as they say ! In reality the Finance Place is Reducing.

But naturally they do not talk about since May-June 2012 started
outflow lost of Clients- Money or Assets, according Insider-Information
and Swiss-News at a daily rate of between $/CHF 30 - 200 Mn !


Liechtenstein to Trust, like this for Sure Not !

Sentiment : LLB Stocks on Strong Best Sell !

PS : At August 9, 2012. Of 5 main LLB- Stock increasing
has 4 been made by LLB itself as Insider- Trading.
But this LLB behavior will not last for long !

LGT & LLB Liechtenstein Banks : At Edge Of End ! Soon End !!

As to see by its Stock LLB ( SWX:CH ), the volume reduced by
the Stock-Price also reduced or following volumes as increased
by its Stock-Price even more reduced !
To Advice: Strong SELL of LLB- Stocks by partial Best Sell Orders
of 600 - 1000 Stocks at the time and this repeated until the LLB
Portfolio is eliminated.

Situation independent, by taking out all Liechtenstein’s fantasies
impressions fakes, the LLB- Stock anyway should not have
more value than 1/3 of CS- Stocks, means CHF 5 - 6 only.

Additionally as under the following Situation, the Over- Valued
LLB- Stocks by its potential to become even ZERO- Value, got
resulting defined as High Risk Stock !

As by all Governments worldwide, based on Tax- Evasions or
related Attitudes proven by Liechtenstein to Attract Money, is
worldwide by its behaviors not accepted or tolerated anymore.
Especially America now applies increased pressure it need just
for starting the cleanup and the Global Jewish Community by at
least $ 95 Billions Insisted Compensations of Liechtenstein Banks
for Nazi- Collaboration with Highest- Profit ever from World War II,
where until today Liechtenstein did not pay 1 cent for it, Contrary !

The Arrogance combined with Ignorance is no longer tolerated
and this results in the End of Liechtenstein as Finance- Place.

Next US No.2 LLB Complete Information Request of US- Citizens Bank-
Accounts ( Amtshilfegesuch ) at preparation stage ( Source US Gov. ).
When the present US by No.2 to No.X procedures completed with LLB,
then if not already before, it gets all repeated at the LGT Group AG.

Additionally after all, is not any advantage to have Money there.
As contrary just attraction for Problems exist, which no other
places have, except Switzerland.
LGT & LLB together used to have a capitalization of $ 120 Bn,
but now by the large- to medium- investors just taking out the
money there, it becomes to be only $ 50 Bn remaining after
the International Tax- Evasion Problems, but additionally by the
Global Jewish Community requesting $ 95 Bn compensations,
it resulting is just as a matter of time when LGT & LLB Banks
will get in bankruptcy !

Resulting the only Advice possible, is for now quickly to get out
of any Liechtenstein related Money or Property matters, this as
well at its worldwide LGT & LLB Offshore Banks, before collapse.
The Money is there not save anymore !

LGT & LLB Liechtenstein Banks - Just Play For Confidence !
( 3. Completed US Aspects )

Under now so much pressure from worldwide governments, they resulting
now like to give the impression for being willing to be the Good Example
in the future and that’s why they cooperate so well with all institutions
such as also the US Justice Department, etc. as they say, but with the
Jewish World Congress about the compensation of $ 95 Bn or customer
victims, they refused any contact or compensation- replay.

Is this suppose to be cooperation, for sure not, but it gets enforced !
The prior US findings as published has been astonishing.

Since when its possible to have Cats as LGT & LLB to
be responsible for the health of Birds or customers ?

Trust, that’s the Big question !

In reality the US Justice Department has now just started with the
Liechtenstein Matter and resulting as a first step only requested all
US bank account information from LLB in Liechtenstein and only 3
LLB Swiss-Branches. This as a small starting act compare remaining
9 countries with LLB Offshore- Banks at Drug-Lords Money-Launder
places such as Cayman Islands, Tortola, Caribbean, Etc. Rat- Holes,
about which the US Justice Department by the next steps also need
all information.
Further to keep in mind, the US will later start with LGT also having
Offshore- Banks in 20 countries including the US, Switzerland, Cayman
Islands, Tortola, Etc. !

According findings an US criminal investigation against LLB is ongoing
and when the Offshore- Banks later included, it gets only worse up-to
Prohibition for Handling or Acting with the US- Dollar. The US Justice
Department initially mentioned this as a possibility to be considered.
There is already a Prohibition for the Liechtenstein Monarch or his Family
Members to enter the USA. ( According US Justice & State Department. )

Next US No.2 LLB Complete Information Request of US- Citizens Bank-
Accounts ( Amtshilfegesuch ) at preparation stage ( Source US Gov. ).
When the present US by No.2 to No.X procedures completed with LLB,
then if not already before, it gets all repeated at the LGT Group AG.
When the US has completed all procedures, then it will be complete !

This also as completion of other publications such as :

LGT & LLB Liechtenstein Banks - Affected Finance Place !

LGT & LLB Liechtenstein Banks : At Edge Of End ! Soon End !!

American JEWS : LGT & LLB Liechtenstein - Hitler & Co. Damage $ 95 Bn

LGT & LLB Liechtenstein Banks - Scam Abuse Stolen $ 12 Mn

LGT & LLB & Etc. - Liechtenstein’s Possible Situation & Finances !


After all its now very easy to have the reality based Picture about
the collapse or bankruptcy of LGT & LLB just as a matter of time.
Get out quickly, the Money is there not save anymore !

Complainant's Goal: Others to be aware !
Complaint Location: Liechtenstein
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