Vikram Structures Private Limited - Leakage of Drainage and Lack of Sanitary Conditions
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Complaint by: Janarthanan on November 2, 2015, 8:28 am in Real Estate

Things are getting worse day after day. In the front of building there is a water leakage which is not addressed for more than two weeks. In spite of informing Boniface (FMS manager) and Mr. Rajath, still things are not addressed. For the sake of the hotel in commercial space, the basement and terrace is getting used. The safety concerns are not getting addressed. Without anyone's knowledge they have created a exhaust for the hotel at the terrace, next to the cloth drying lines. At least, shift the cloth drying lines to some other place. How can we dry clothes just below that? The smoke and carbon soot will be continuously coming out of it. The two-wheeler entry is blocked to provide storage space to hotel. Now, the entire place is becoming a dumping yard for vendors. I do not think any other builder would have created so much of these problems to the residents. In spite of instructions from Mr. Vikram to address the issues and ensure safety of the residents, things are only getting worse.

Complainant's Goal: Address the safety concerns and problems of VSPL divine residents
Complainant's Target: Vikram Structures Private Limited
Complaint Location: India
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Mon, 02 Nov 2015  Spandan Maji

The stay in VSPL divine becomes nightmare. Water leakage, dumping everything in residential area, blocking exit/ entry route by other vendors are increasing day by day. Listen to us n react accordingly. Besides that due to hotel , resdential parking slot has been given out for commercial storage purposes, chimney at the apartment terrace leave us clue less, lots of carbon particles n other hazardous material will be flying and depositing on Vspl rooftop. Are we leading a healthy life here after spending enormous amount?