konkan railway corporation - Lack of Basic Facilities
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Complaint by: donald on August 20, 2013, 9:53 pm in Indian Railways

Ticket no. 41792105/pnr no. 480-6907347/ train no 12134/date - 19.08.2013/couch S-3/ couch no. 09257.T.C - Prashant/ complaint book folio No. 327[GC.13/Rev. 7S]
At mangalore junction while starting there was no light and fan[ No power supply]. As soon the T.C. arrived I brought to his notice.It was app 17.15 hrs.The power was resumed at 22.15 at madgoa.Till then we were kept in the dark where no one could eat food, could travel relaxly having ladies and even serious cancer patient travelling to Tata hospital. My request to know - 1] Why the relieving Tc of Train no. 12133 didnot inform the maintenence at Mangalore Junction [All swiches of the compartment were on and no power supply was there at mangalore junction when we boarded at 16.25. We thought supply of the compartment was put off.] [2] What type of checking is there at mangalore junction mangalore before the departure.[3] It was given to understand by the TC that it will be attended at Udupi why no person attended at Udupi or any other station upto Madgao at 10.15 PM [ Night]. [4] In such situation asking for police protection to the compartment no police person was tracable in the compartment nor near the compartment at the flatforms.[5]Due to our contineous pressure to the TC To resume power supply he was talking to/ litterlly begging the complaint attendent[ A Lady ] addressing as Madam to depute the person at Karwar. Why this attitude to the T. C. in whose hand the total train is there and there is no responce at Karwar from a trained technician since the fault was solved with in a minute at Madgao.[5] After Roha at 6.00 AM morning tea in the train is sold at Rs. 10.00 by unauthorised boys and beggers are leasurly moving as their wish. Can Konkan railway stop this please?.Or there is catering persons stortage. Or you want one more situation as Ernaculam train happened 4 to 5 days back.
Kindly send me a action status on this please.

Complainant's Goal: I want an action Plan
Complainant's Target: konkan railway corporation
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaDakshina Kannada
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