hijra - kindly put an end to HIJRA people in around btm and bangalore
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Complaint by: on February 12, 2014, 4:41 pm in Sexual Abuse

am a student and jobseeker too, the people like us has to roam to institutes,interveiws in bangalore, these hijra people are torturing us in each signal to signal and begging money like anything, we cannot afford them, today while crossin btm 1st stage towards petrol bunk, hijras stopped me and forcefully taken 100rps note from me, since i said am a student i cannot afford,and dont have a change too,they didnt return anything they just escaped from me ,

bangalore police dept plz take an action against this, we are suffering a lot, these things are impacting our brains a lot,it is showing inefficiency of police dept in bangalore, from the past one year am seeing the same situation.

i cannot digest myself anymore, we need some rights aginst this. plz police people do something

Complainant's Goal: to put an end hijra beggars
Complainant's Target: hijra
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Recent Comments
Sun, 05 Jun 2016  kumar

I met with same incident yesterday. Group of 3 transgender people arrived near Bangalore Central (JP Nagar) and snatched my purse and all money including coins. I had around Rs.900 and left with nothing.
What can you do when 3 giant, ugly and manner less people have decided to snatch money? They don't fear anyone neither police men's. Why are they not arrested? I see footpath seller beaten up for small mistakes and these hijras so called transgender people act as they have got complete rights to snatch or loot a person the way they want.
I won't be surprised if police constables in around say they get share in money looted by these hijras. Else its hard to imagine such people's courage to snatch money in daylight that too in busy areas like Bangalore Central.

Wed, 29 Jul 2015  Venkat

on 28-july-2015, I m waiting (at marathahlli market bus stop, towards marathahalli) for bus for office around 7:45PM, sudenly a group of hijras ( 6 members) came and pull out my wallet and tried robbering my gold chain, however i have tried knocking them but they have ran with 900 rupees from my wallet. This so rude and one helped me. Im helpless in this society and want to take action against them.

Please guide me how to take action against them?

Email: subhashndv@gmail.com

Thu, 13 Feb 2014  Niju

Yes. He is right. Severe action should be taken by the competent authoritty for such incident