Job fraud - Job fraud on Internet
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Complaint by: Rahul Deshmukh on October 16, 2010, 9:37 am in Internet Related

Dear Applicant, Ref: “VIDEOCON” Direct Recruitments offer. It is our good pleasure to inform you that your Resume has been selected for our new plant.The Company selected 62 candidates list for IT, Administration and Production Departments,as well as Company offered you to join as an Executive/Manager post in respective department.You are selected according to your resume in which Project you have worked on according to thatyou have been selected in Company. The Company is dealing in Electronicsmanufacturing business in India The Company is recruiting the candidates for new plants in Delhi,Bangalore and Pune.Your interview will held at Company Corporate office on – 1st NOVEMBER 2010at 11.30 You will be pleased to know that Company has advised you in the selection panel that yourApplication can progress to final stage. You will come to our Company corporate office in Delhi. Your offer letter with Air Ticket will be send to you by courier before date of interview. The Companycan offer you a salary with benefits for this post 30, 000/- to 2, 00, 000/- P.M. + (HRA + D.A +Conveyance and other Company benefits. The designation and Job Location will be fix by CompanyHRD. At time of final process. You have to come with photo-copies of all required documents. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS BY THE COMPANY HRD. 1) Photo-copies of Qualification Documents. 2) Photo-copies of Experience Certificates (If any)3) Photo-copies of Address Proof 4) Two Passport Size Photograph You have to deposit the (Cash) as an initial amount in favor of Company HRD. Department.for Rs. 9,990/- through any [STATE BANK OF INDIA]Branch from your Home City to CompanySenior HRD NAME: ASEM BIDYARANI DEVIACCOUNT NO: 200********BANK NAME: STATE BANK OF INDIA This is refundable interview security. Your offer letter with Air tickets will be send to your HomeAddress by courier after receiving the confirmation of interview security deposited in STATE BANKOF INDIA. Company will pay all the expenditure to you at the time of face-to-face meeting with youin Company. The Job profile, salary offer, and date -time of interview will be mention in your offer letter.Your offer letter will dispatch very shortly after receiving your confirmation of cash deposited inSTATE BANK OF INDIA. We wish you the best of luck for the subsequent and remaining stage. The last date of security deposited in bank - 25/10/2010 You have to give the information afterdepositing the security money in bank to Company HRD – Your Letter with supporting documents willbe dispatch same time by courier to your postal address after receiving Your security deposit confirmationin bank. The interview process and arrangement expenditure will be paid by Company. Lodging, traveling and local conveyance will be paid by Company as per bills. The candidate has to deposit the initial refundable security as mentioned by HRD. If the candidate wants to come with his parents or friends, the Company will arrange all facilities onlyfor female candidate. ThanksMRS RENU SINGHVideocon Electronics Ltd.Contact EMAIL:

Complainant's Goal: Money fraud
Complainant's Target: Job fraud
Complaint Location: IndiaInternet
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