JERSEY - JERSEY milk packet price 13Rs was sold at 15Rs
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Complaint by: sarith on August 1, 2010, 5:03 pm in Retail Stores
Hello Sir,
I was shocked when the Jersey tonned milk which was priced at 13 rs was sold at 15 rs in the retail outlets near my place. I dont understand what does Max Retail Price mean. Its not just one retail outlets, its all the surrounding outlets were doing the same. If the milk is sold to the retail outlets for 13rs then JERSEY is cheating the government of India by not paying the tax.
Please do the needful
Doyens Township
Complainant's Goal: Action against the JERSEY or the retail outlets
Complainant's Target: JERSEY
Recent Comments
i would like to know where we can complain against tampered packets and adulterated milk