umang realtech private limited - Issues regarding my new flat d1-101, uppal jade, faridabad
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Complaint by: anurag sahai on November 5, 2014, 9:59 am in Real Estate

Sent: Mon 27 Oct, 2014 11:08 PM PDT
Subject: RE: Issues regarding my flat d1-101, uppal jade, faridabad
Let me know when you have solved all mentioned issues of my flat D1-101 in the attached pictures and explained in the
What is the expected date to resolve all the existing problems in the flat.
----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Tue 21 Oct, 2014 10:33 PM PDT
Subject: RE: Issues regarding my flat d1-101, uppal jade, faridabad
I am attaching some more picture so that you can understand what and how you have to resolve the issues.
I could not understand what you want to say? To whom you have discussed ? Could you elaborate on this.
As I understand Now you (Builder) will give me flat completed in all manners or in the condition that Builder has
promised/proposed in the agreement.
1. There would be same Colour of unbroken tiles in both drawing room , bed rooms, balconies, kitchen, bathrooms.
2. There would be having no loose tiles.
3. No kitchen and balcony tiles would be broken.
4. All the balconies would very clean and complete .
5. In bathrooms, there would be no water accumulation problem.
6..Toilet pots of both bathroom would be new one.
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7.water taps of basin would be new one.
8.Bathroom tiles would not be broken.
9. Paint work would be done in front / back side of the main door of the flat.
10. Bathroom doors would be new, clean , properly painted without any spot and scratch.
11. On flat wall , OBD would be done properly.
There would be no Brush spot and other dirty spot on the wall.
12.Draining cover of balconies would be there.
13. Balcony railings would be painted, clean and non- rusty.
14. there would be working lock in the drawing room glass door and glass of door would be unbroken.
15. Plaster in balcony wall would be done properly and would not be in broken stage.
16. Finishing work would be of standards .
17.. There would be new doors without crack from any side.
18.. There would Bed room window lock.
19. in kitchen below marble sink, every where cement plaster would be plane .
20. Flat would be finished properly as builder promised in the agreement.
On Tuesday, 21 October 2014 5:51 PM, Manoj Agrawal wrote:
Dear Sir
as discussed your feasible issued are resolve.
Manoj Agrawal
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Anurag Sahai"
To: "Wg.Cdr. JS Jarry" , "manoj agrawal"
Cc: "Anurag"
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 9:02:03 PM
Subject: Fw: Issues regarding my flat d1-101, uppal jade, faridabad
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Dear Mr Jarry,
Please find the images depicting the condition of my flat to some extent attached.
After waiting for a long time, I received call from Manoj Agrawal on 10th Oct 2014 that work is done and flat is ready so I
reached your office on Saturday to take possession letter and to complete registry work. After completing all this work I went
to Fbd site and I saw following faults in my flat .
1. Many tiles of drawing room, bed room are broken.
2.There was mix of different Colour of tiles in both drawing room and bed room instead of uniform ones.
3. There were loose tiles.
4. Some kitchen and balcony tiles are also broken.
5. All the balconies were very dirty and incomplete.
6. In one bathroom, there is water accumulation due to slope problem.
7.Toilet pots of both bathroom were dirty ,old and used.
8.water taps of basin were also old and used.
9.Some Bathroom tiles were also broken.
10. Paint work is not done in front / back side of the main door of the flat.
11. Bathroom doors are dirty with big black spot/scratch on white doors.
12. On flat wall , OBD is not done properly.
Brush spot and other dirty spot can be seen on the wall.
13.Draining cover of one balcony was not there.
14. Balcony railings are rusty and dirty.
15. There was cigarette buds lying inside the flat implies labours were using this flat for their personal purpose.
16. Any kind of lock is not working in the drawing room door.
17. Plaster in balcony wall is not done property and it is broken in many places.
18. Residents told me that this flat was used for storage so there are many problems existing.
19. Finishing work is below standards/ expectation.
20. Drawing room's door glass is cracked.
21. Kitchen door is cracked on the bottom side.
23.Bed room window can not be locked.
24. in kitchen below marble sink, cement plaster is not plane and it is giving very bad look.
*I will send you more detailed mail with images.
I have given all door keys of my flat to Mr. Manoj Aggrawal (supervisor) .Resolve all these above mentioned issues as soon
as possible .
Dear Mr Jarry,
After waiting for a long time, I received call from Manoj Agrawal on 10th Oct 2014 that work is done and flat is ready so I
reached your office on Saturday to take possession letter and to complete registry work. After completing all this work I went
to Fbd site and I saw following faults in my flat .
1. Many tiles of drawing room, bed room are broken.
2.There was mix of different Colour of tiles in both drawing room and bed room instead of uniform ones.
3. There were loose tiles.
4. Some kitchen and balcony tiles are also broken.
5. All the balconies were very dirty and incomplete.
6. In one bathroom, there is water accumulation due to slope problem.
7.Toilet pots of both bathroom were dirty ,old and used.
8.water taps of basin were also old and used.
9.Some Bathroom tiles were also broken.
10. Paint work is not done in front / back side of the main door of the flat.
11. Bathroom doors are dirty with big black spot/scratch on white doors.
12. On flat wall , OBD is not done properly.
Brush spot and other dirty spot can be seen on the wall.
13.Draining cover of one balcony was not there.
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14. Balcony railings are rusty and dirty.
15. There was cigarette buds lying inside the flat implies that laborers have been using my flat for their personal purpose.
16. Any kind of lock is not working in the drawing room door.
17. Plaster in balcony wall is not done property and it is broken in many places.
18. Residents told me that this flat was used for storage so there are many problems existing.
19. Finishing work is much below standards/ expectation.
20. drawing room's door glass is broken.
21. No latch on the window of bedroom.
22. Kitchen door is flawed on the bottom side.
*I will send you more detailed mail with images.
I have given all door keys of my flat to Mr. Manoj Aggrawal (supervisor) so pay a visit to the mentioned flat and get somebody
to resolve all these above mentioned issues as soon as possible .
Anurag sahai
Uppal jade, sector -86, Faridabad

Complainant's Goal: To get all pending work done in my flat and claim penalty for the delay
Complainant's Target: umang realtech private limited
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaFaridabad
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Tue, 11 Nov 2014   Message By Complainant Anurag

I sent the following notice to umang realtech.


DATE: 06/11/2014


I got my flat on 11th October after nearly 6 and half years in incomplete position. After waiting for such a long time, I received call from Manoj Agrawal on 10th October 2014 that my flat is ready to take possession so I reached your office in Nehru Place, New Delhi on 11th October to get possession letter and to complete paper work for registry that could be done only after taking possession as stated by your firm.
After getting possession letter, when I reached my flat D1-101, Uppal jade, sector-86, Faridabad, I saw my flat is not in a position to be offered for possession and there were too many pending works to be done.
I have already emailed you many times with around 60 images for pending works so that you can understand problems in my flat in some extent. These emails are attached with this letter as well.
Do all pending works in my flat within 15 days from today as promised by the builder in the agreement.
If all the issues in my flat are not resolved within 15 days from today, I will be compelled to seek remedies as per options available to me at the risk and cost of the builder besides seeking financial relief towards mental agony.
I also seek the claim of penalty for delayed possession as I continue to suffer financial losses.

D1-101, Uppal jade, sector-86, Faridabad