SHELL MOBILE DRAW - Is the Shell Int'l mobile draw is true or fraud
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Complaint by: JAYAKUMAR on June 3, 2009, 6:15 pm in Lottery Scams

Lottery, SMS, Email and Online scam letters are sent out by the thousands and thousands every day. There are only two things they want - your money and your identity. A simple mistake can lead to loss of your identity and money.

Read more at - Lottery & Online Scam Alert

Dear sir,

I have received a sms telling that i have won 250,000.00 GBP in 2009 SHELL INT\'L MOBILE DRAW ( Ref. No. : EUM DN 0508-9T6, Batch No. : EUM QY-3LJ4, Winning No. : #3, Serial No. : 20910 ) and asked to contact Natwest Bank, Liverpool, Great Brittan ( Website ;, ;; Sir Jhon Bosco Emegine,The director, Operations and finance, Foreign remittance Dept. ) where is my money is being deposited in a temporary account and send me a form asking my personel details and identity proof. I have send the filled up form and identity proof through the E-mail mentioned there ( E-mail : ). After that they asked to send 765 GBP ( 58,063 INR ) as transferring charges to bank\'s correspondent account in India ( Mr. Nitin R Thakur, Account No. : 040********793, PAN No. : AHXPT8019Q, Bank : HDFC bank ).

Now sir, i want to know what should i do ? Whether it is true or fraud ?

Please let me know as soon as possible ( My E-mail adress : )

Thanking you,
Your\'s faithfully,
Jayakumar Thankappan

Complainant's Goal: I have won in 2009 SHELL INT'L MOBILE DRAW. Is it true or false ?
Complainant's Target: SHELL MOBILE DRAW
Complaint Location: IndiaTrivandrum Kerala S
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Recent Comments
Sat, 15 Jun 2013  naseer ahmed

this is my number 03006204280 and i won the prize

Thu, 23 Aug 2012  manivannan j

i have loss of 21800 money for nokia prize winning
so dont pay money for the any prizes to u win any messages comes for yr email id or mobile no

Mon, 17 Oct 2011  Bhagat Singh

Dear All
Yes i Sapport this complaint to

Thu, 21 Jul 2011  Aman

I have ricived a message on my cell phone telling that My cell phone number Shell int'l Mobile draw. Is it true? Please Write me the answer thruogh my E-mail adress.

Mon, 20 Jun 2011  M Kelson Singh

i am also like a winner of British Telecom and please guide me properly not in order to survive from the British Telecom.

Fri, 27 May 2011  Ahmed

Dear Concern,

I have received an SMS regarding Shell Int'l Mobile Draw that I have won 995,000.

Here is my details you want.

Name: Muhammad Ahmed Salehjee

Mobile number: +92 333 2111449

Best regards,

Ahmed Salehjee.

Tue, 05 Apr 2011  bablu

israel sir, i got a message that my mobile number has won 500,000 pounds in2011 British telecom int'l mobile draw. and to claim they asked me to contact, MR. ANDREW PARKER
The Promo- Manager
British Telecommunications Plc (BT-PLC)
81 New gate Street
London EC1A 7AJ
thayalso gave phillip richard id proof of passport, with country GBR, British Diplomatic passport number B0511201, sur name Richard, nationality London,authority 457, place of birth United Kingdom, date of birth 11july, date de nicense jul65, sex male, date of issue 19 nov,date de deliverence nov 1, date of expiry 09 nov, date d expiration nov2012, so please let me know whether it is true or false to my id[ ]

Tue, 05 Apr 2011  israel

sir, i got a message that my mobile number has won 500,000 pounds in2011 British telecom int'l mobile draw. and to claim they asked me to contact, MR. ANDREW PARKER
The Promo- Manager
British Telecommunications Plc (BT-PLC)
81 New gate Street
London EC1A 7AJ
thayalso gave phillip richard id proof of passport, with country GBR, British Diplomatic passport number B0511201, sur name Richard, nationality London,authority 457, place of birth United Kingdom, date of birth 11july, date de nicense jul65, sex male, date of issue 19 nov,date de deliverence nov 1, date of expiry 09 nov, date d expiration nov2012,

Sun, 28 Nov 2010  Himanshu

I support this complaint.

Ihave received a message on my cel from BA-GOODNEWS saying that i have been awarded 750,000.00. In the end of 2010 INT,T Mobile Draw. To claimsend your details to Dr. Larry Via email

Sir, please let me know that whether it is true or fake.

contact me


Tue, 14 Sep 2010  BALARAM DAS

i have receive a message that my mobile no has been awarded gbp from int shell petroleium lottery authority.And they are sending me their winning number and batch number. these are Batch no-za09133dg.Refferance no-zq35455dg.Winning no-zx09789dg. Their agent will arrives in india and asking me 35000inr for custom clearance. so it is true or fake sms.. piease reply me as soon as possible to my e-mail_id. Thank you.

Thu, 13 May 2010  puttaraju.n

sir i have received message that my mobile no.has awarded 500,000GBPs in shell int'l mobile draw...the shell corp in uk asked me to contact loomis finance security company limited for delivery of fund....the diplomat from loomis,uk has arrived to new delhi and asking me to pay 230GBPS for consignment is it true or it is fake sms..plz reply me fast to my email_id..if u possible send msg to my winning number +91-********19

Fri, 19 Mar 2010  Game

I support this complaint. This is absolutely fake and i know if friends who lost thousands of money in this fraud.. Please donot encourage this and spread the message across

Thu, 25 Feb 2010  Sudhakar Naskar

Dear sir,

I have received a sms telling that i have won 250,000.00 GBP in 2010 SHELL INT'L MOBILE DRAW and asked to contact Hlifax Bank plc..., Liverpool, United Kingdom Sir Jhon Bruce,The director, Operations and finance, Foreign remittance Dept. ) where is my money is being deposited in a temporary account and send me a form asking my personel details and identity proof. I have send the filled up form and identity proof through the E-mail mentioned there. After that they asked to send 300 GBP ( 27,300 INR ) as transferring charges to bank's correspondent account in India ( Mr. Sudhakar Naskar, Account No. : 20032779125, Bank : SBI bank ).

Now sir, i want to know what should i do ? Whether it is true or fraud ?

Please let me know as soon as possible ( My E-mail adress : )

Thanking you,
Your's faithfully,
Sudhakar Naskar

Thu, 25 Feb 2010  Sudhakar Naskar

I support this complaint.

Thu, 04 Jun 2009  PARMINDER SINGH

I support this complaint.

Thu, 04 Jun 2009  Message from Helpdesk

Its a fraud, please read the alert notice posted at the top of your complaint.