Personal - Investor Alert - TRTC Present & Future Opportunities !!
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Complaint by: jew007 on June 23, 2013, 1:41 am in Business and Finances

Investor Alert - TRTC Present & Future Opportunities !!

Bio·Vegetable & Marijuana-Hemp & Green Tech - Terra Tech Corp. - USA
( Also Medical )

To understand TRTC its principally necessary to see it as
the now and future oriented Green Solutions Company.
This by various Synergies it now by the Merger has !!

What it means “Green Solutions Company” as following :

TRTC by the Merger with NB Plants “Edible Garden” brand,
according the priorities, made the perfect and right decision
to apply the best possible investment money strategy and
efficiency also under the view for any already ongoing as
in Florida and following the leading US wide expansions !
To understand this we need to keep in mind that NB Plants
is already an established ongoing and expanding company
within the Bio·Vegetable US Markets of now $ 20 Bn, but
by the population continuous increasing Health- and Food-
Quality Demands it offers an annual market increasing of
20 - 30 % !!
Now rapidly some short- minded Investors claimed this as
half- failed Merger, specially the Blackmailing- Liar- Bashers,
but in reality the of NB Plants second Family GroRite Inc.
is for not competing the other Family company, specialized
in other Plants related to Flowers & Gardening Field, not
also in Vegetables and has resulting 30% less revenue !

This means not that the GroRite company is not of any
interests, but naturally by this has the second priority for
the TRTC Concept and even without this one also Merged
under orders contract’s conditions offers at anytime the
opportunity when immediately higher capacity is needed,
that GroRite at some part of its Flowers Productions, instead
quickly can also produce the Vegetables to fulfill a higher
Just In Time Customers Demand and that would also be
within the Same Family ! For sure GroRite get also merged,
but at the moment or arrangements is no need to rush this.

Very Excellent, Because By This Not Creating The By Average
Too High & Costly Production - Over- Capacities To Maintain
For Maybe Annually Only 1 - 3 Months When Higher Demand
Exists !!
Now this, anybody himself a Company Owner, can very good
understand and provide a big applause to TRTC for not doing
that kind of mistake as many by very nice expectations do !

TRTC can now be declared as Bio- Hydro- Plants & Equipments
US Leader with annual Revenues of about 2013 $ 7 and for
2014 $ 17 Mn !!
Hydro- Plants Equipments and Nutrition- Liquids they now also
as finished exists !

NB Plants before the merger already known as an annually
about $ 6 Mn Revenue Company with its production now
to 100 % in Edible Garden TRTC hands !
GroRite before the merger already known as an annually
about $ 4 Mn Revenue Company with its production now
to about 50 % in Edible Garden TRTC hands !
TRTC GrowOp Hydro- Plants Equipments and Nutrition- Liquids
Sales we can for 2013 estimate about $ 1 Mn !

REVENUES 2013 & 2014 :
For 2013 this means Plants- Revenues of $ 8 Mn, but because
the merger conditions started from Q2 April 25th as $ 5,4 Mn
plus about $ 1 Mn for Equipments and Nutrition- Liquids
results to 2013 Revenues of about $ 7,2 Mn with the
Florida Cooperation Project of about $ 800,000 Revenue !!
As from beginning of 2014 by its additionally new Production
Plant of 5 Acre plus about $ 10 Mn Revenue resulting to
about $ 17,2 Mn if the Equipments Sales poorly same !!

TRTC News Event - May 6, 2013

TRTC Merger Completed With Edible Garden NB Plants in NJ :
TRTC declares additionally over $ 10 Mn More Revenue !!

TRTC Why So Interesting !!********

TRTC Overview & Up- Dates !!

The Marijuana- Matter represents a 12x smaller Market compare
the Bio·Vegetable Food Products mentioned at above Point 1. !
For TRTC this will also be an additionally Important Market, but
luckily not as all others in the Marijuana Field it gets not really
affected by the very restrictive New Fed. MJ Laws to expect and
therefore is In A Solid Condition as none of any other Marijuana
related companies which are depended solely on the Marijuana !!

When at the New Fed. MJ Laws everything is clear and finalized
and resulting TRTC can have the Gov. permission or order to
produce Marijuana, then it could do this at any place within the
US with by its High- Efficiency- Growth- Technologies to solely
producing that much as needed for the complete US Patients
Registered Medical Marijuana Applications !!
TRTC has also The Potential as the US leading MJ Company !

Additionally in this Field we need to consider the CBDs as the
Health Improving or Anti- Cancer and Pain Therapy medical
substances, where the THC is only but as very attractive
a Fun And Get Happy Stoned Substance without much
of health benefits, neurologically may even contrary !

For the medical MJ CBDs application TRTC could and should
PRODUCE the Very Best of any other producers HEMP Free
Of Very Toxic and Hormone Influencing Pesticides ( Male get
Femalely with Humans Increased Cancer and Fertility Risks ) !!
For example the Pythos- Blah Blah Company is producing its
Hemp initially by the small Hemp- Plants in Soil Green- House
for afterwards to let grow by open big traditional Soil- Based
Farmers. As Soil based with the Very Toxic Pesticides applied !
( See their WEB Page. )
Once the Pesticides Substances applied, they in the complete
Plants which at any Extraction or Purification Process cannot
be removed or neutralized !!
Pythos- Blah Blah with its small CO2 Extraction Equipment of
only $ 200,000 as the only one in the US is declaring them
selves as the world leader in CBDs production, where the
Germans Merck, BASF and Bayer have the big CO2 Extraction
Equipments with each of about 10x the capacity for about
$ 1 Mn each and have about 20 of these at 24/7 running
to produce also any kind of CBDs at the international quality
pharmaceutical standard of 99,5 w% Purity, with the HEMP as
base- material produced by closed Hydro- Plants Green Houses
in Holland and Germany as without any Very Toxic Pesticides
and supply the world markets as also to GW CBD- Sativex !

News Event May 1, 2013 - TRTC Marijuana Market In WA !!

This maybe for many TRTC Investors Is New, but Terra Tech Corp
is also an Energy Management Solution Provider that distributes
hardware, software and services to businesses worldwide.
The company’s EcoCentral Platform, together with EcoSmart Suite
offers savings, organization and reporting of energy consumption
of any building. Terra Tech’s energy management products are
deployed in educational institutes, hospitals, military buildings
and hotels to consume energy smartly by savings !
For sure everybody facing increasing electricity- cost understand,
that this has now also a very big prosperous profit market !!

TRTC New Acquisition Synergies & Energy Management Solutions !!

Further TRTC Related Financial Aspects :

If we see just the 2012 $ numbers then anybody could say,
that at Q2 they made a Net-Income over $ 4 Mn but over
the complete 2012 they made a lost of $ 5,8 Mn !
Naturally financially this is not perfect or nice, but declaring it
lost instead of minus is also not right for a young developing
company where they did not spend the money for Champaign,
Caviar with Pretty Girls, no that they did not do by everybody
able to see as they developed and produced many products
from transportable big Truck- Container Hydro- Grow- Rooms
to any size smaller Grow- Rooms and Grow- Equipments up-to
even very nice in kitchen to place Herbs Grow- Room with the
size of a dish- washer also very nice with front- glasses to
see the Herbs- plants at anytime under the LED- Daylight !
Additionally developed and made the 2nd Generation Controller
Units they just in April 2013 released and started to sell and
then developed and produced the at above Point 3. described
items of Energy Management Solution hardware and software !

These matters are not free of costs to become TRTC Assets,
same as the Merged NB Plants Company became also Asset.

Any company at a developing emerging state as TRTC, would
instead of lost, declare this as reinvestment into the present
and future markets sales and company’s profit opportunities !!

Sure most of Blue- Chip or Nasdaq or NYSE Investors as company
owners themselves, understand and interpret same as above, but at
the very mixed Penny Stocks Folks not everybody is so experienced.

TRTC within 24 Months will Go To NASDAQ !!

Sure everybody can be agree, that also TRTC Investors generally
should be more carefully from where they get informed
and accordingly create its own conclusions !

Happy Investing


Complainant's Goal: Support Good Investors
Complainant's Target: Personal
Complaint Location: United States
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