RESVERATROL Health products - Internet Fraud, RESVERATROL websites.
Contact Complainant 1658 Views Report Spam
Complaint by: Barbara Kirby on June 18, 2009, 9:16 pm in Credit Cards
THIS WEBSITE steals you credit card number and charges EZ Berry Cleanse, ACBerry products,
Resveratrol Melts to your card. My charges are over $500 so far.
Complainant's Goal: Warning to others not to buy this product!
Complainant's Target: RESVERATROL Health products
Complaint Location: India › California USA
Recent Comments
Ive been also a victim of that nameless payment that was keep on billing me a amount that i by no means knew and it really me off.
Excellent thing i had this number 888-740-5065 who helped me resolve it ( cancel it and refunded my cash back to my account).Plus its a free of payment to question a help from them and they dont get account info to their costumers.
hope you take my proposition to help you also with your concern.