Governing Body of Insurance Council - Insurance Ombudsman take false side of Oriental Insurance Co.
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Complaint by: Pankaj Joshi on January 27, 2011, 6:45 pm in Insurance All

Hi my self Pankaj Joshi and my complaint against of The Oriental Insurance Co. that our claim has finally been rejected by the company. I had purchased a Hero Honda bike model- CBZ Xtreme at Mandi Gobindgarh city via Temporary vehicle No. PB-10BP (T) 3084 C/ Note No.94315, pertaining to our claim shows that the claim was rejected only on the ground that at the time of accident three persons were riding the two wheeler.

I discussed the matter with the Branch Manager Mr.Pathak who assured me that the matter would be taken up with the higher office and that he will ‘manipulate’ the things to get the claim realized. At his instance I contacted the surveyor Mr Dinesh Kumar who to my utter surprise asked me to lodge a fresh claim and tender the old debris of the earlier accident. I simply refused to this proposal and contacted the Branch Manager Mr.Pathak again to apprise him of the fact that I wanted the genuine claim only and that I was not interested to induldge in that type of unlawful exercise.

Now ultimately on 29-12-2009,Mr G.S.Chahal , the present Senior Branch Manager has told me that the matter is a dead one now and that the Insurance Co has filed it as rejected/ no claim only cause of at the time of accident three persons were riding the two wheeler.

In the FIR No23 Dt 14-02-2007 lodged at PS City Khanna, pertaining to the accident case, the driver of the tempo NoPB-32-8707 was held guilty and was made the accused U/S 279, 337, 427 IPC. All the three riders sustained injuries. Moreover the accident took place due to the utter fault on the part of the tempo driver and that the accident could have taken place had there been be only one rider even, since the tempo was over speeding, un-signaled and blew no horn. An esteemed daily the Jag Bani too reported on 16-02-2007 that the tempo hit the bike.

My simple query before the Insurance Co is that should or would a rider of a two wheeler keep in mind, that a person in dire need of lift as a help in medical emergency be denied help as allowing him to sit on the two wheeler supported by the third one, would result into denial of the insurance claim in case such bike rendering help on humanitarian grounds even happens to meet an accident. Such practice as has been adopted by the Insurance Co in this claim case, would result into avoidance of rendering help to the suffering ones who meet some emergency and is very much condemnable. Since our intention was bonafide and that of the Insurance Co is malafide, hence there should be no cause of any so called ‘no claim’.

Then I have forwarded the complaint to Insurance Ombudsman at Chandigarh city. As per the Ombudsman claim is rejected due to Motor vehicle was uninsured at the time of accident. Although the honourable ombudsman was fully agreed with my plea that I took the delivery on 09.02.07 and no vehicle can come out of the showroom until and unless insured, yet The Ombudsman accepted the argument of the insurer. The very fact that the insurer has not contradicted the issue of the policy cover for the vehicle referred to in the present case and they have issued a policy for the same, the denial of having issued any cover note prior to the issue of the policy goes against the fundamentals of the office practice and justice and is aimed at stalling the delivery of the justice.

Reference my correspondence (appearing above), I wish to add that the insurer ie the Oriental Insurance Co Branch Office Mandi Gobindgarh issued a Cover Note No 94315 on 09-02-07 at 11:45 AM through their authorized insurer Parminder Pannu.under Agency Code No071254 and charged Rs.1395 as premium amount in cash.

Keeping in view I request your goodself to initiate a stern action, as you deem fit, against the all concerned for harassing me, concocting false ground just to repudiate my claim, befooling the apex authority of the Insurance sector by concealing the material facts.

I pray that the full claim amount of Rs.27600.00along with interest up to date and the expenses incurred on the avoidable process.

Complainant's Goal: the claim was rejected that at the time of accident three persons were riding.
Complaint Location: IndiaKhanna Punjab
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Sun, 26 Jul 2015  Satendra kumar

Dear sir s b india kaoun she company ha pls

Sun, 26 Jul 2015  Satendra kumar

S b india kain she company ha