Medanta The Medicity - Improper Diagnosis and Application of wrong procedure
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Complaint by: on March 7, 2017, 11:00 pm in Health and Medical Stores

Patient Name: Pratibha Sinha
Patient Id: 10189660

We wanted to get done bental procedure as advised by respective doctor (in and out) to get rid of aortic dissection type A. We got a package of rupees 6.50 Lakhs from Medanta hospital to do bental procedure and I authorized for same procedure. But during billing process Medanta hospital stated that Mendata has done two different procedures.
1. Bental Procedure

2. Hemi Arch repair

As I have authorized for only bental procedure but Hemi Arch repair also been done without prior my consultation. Now these 2 different procedures, bring some doubts in my mind
1. Whether do the doctor of Mendata hospital failed to do proper diagnose about patient?

2. If it is not failure of doctor’s diagnosis, then how doctor not informed me about this process before doing the operation. As they have not demanded any fee for this beforehand.

3. As Doctor has done repair of Hemi Arch but why not its replacement

4. Also, Doctor has not advised me about benefit of repair or replacement of Hemi Arch.

5. On what basis, doctor identified to do Hemi Arch repair not replacement.

6. What is the success rate of hemi arch repair and replacement and what would be life of these two?

With all these doubts, I would like to say that What package was demanded for Bental procedure has been paid before operation with all remaining by us.

Package of bental was 6.50 lakhs and later demanded for another 2-3 lakhs extra more than the initial package. Now we don’t have any remains to pay these extra rupees 2-3 lakhs.

We do please advise you to eradicate the lacuna which are obvious from above. We do praise the hospital staff for their well warm welcome and support they provided at emergency.

We are not able to pay more than the package amount of rupees 6.50 lakhs.

Complainant's Goal: Reduction in excess Bill amount
Complainant's Target: Medanta - The Medicity
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaGurgaon
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