Information about the fake physiotherapy clinics in bhopal .
1. L.B.S HOSPITAL - physiotherapy dept run by a fourth year
student..timings are 11:00am to 2:00pm.this is illegal dept.they are not
elligebile to work acc. to rule of univ and paramedical.
2.Dr. nahar clinic in new market- there is no physio in that dept but the
pt. are treated by a babu. if a babu can treat pt then wat physio will
.This is wrong becoz physio has its assessment,diagnosis and treatment. Then
how babu can...?
3.student- some of student of 4thyr,3rdyr, are treating pt. this is illegal
becoz the council doesnt give authority for practice.
4.Mansarovar/Harsiddhi college of physiotherapy kolar road didnt have staff
to teach student..the college doesnt take responsibility for this.What
student will learn...please take care.
only a graduate and pg student and pass out in physiotherapy can treat pt.
under his/her assessment diagnose ,and treatment.
this type of illegal physio are treating pt.they dont know right or wrong
about the critical condition can develop.
we request u to investegate and take action about the fake physio in bhopal
as it is endangering the future of pt. and physiotherapy.
note:clinics are heiring these illegal student becoz the working socities
have to pay them less salary.which should be more in case of graduate.