Student - Illegal huge air pollution
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Complaint by: Sachin on September 7, 2013, 12:26 am in Nature and Environment

Sir , I lived in sector 9 , bahadurgarh , haryana , pin 124507 .. this sector near to border to delhi .. And on the border there is a MIE factories .. Sir these factories realising extra air pollution than their limits .. and mainely the start their manufacturing work at night so due to dark and peoples sleep and less possibilities caught by pollution department they every night burns nd creat alot of toxies which flow with air nd came in our locality .. this is very very harmful gases .. So hard to take breath .. Sir I really want u do something to stop this unwanted and illegally burn nd create those toxies which is very danger for life .. These pollution take place mostly in sector after mix with air .. When we wake up and watch all sectors full of that pollution air and peoples think this is morning fog but actually its harmful life damage .. Cause cancer pollution of factories,
please sir I request u take a very strict action against these factories who full day and mostly at night release pollution .
Thank u
Hope for strict and early action .

Complainant's Goal: Lot of peoples health dissorder is air pollution .. Air is very basic component of life .. We need ur help
Complainant's Target: Student
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaJhajjar
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