illegal factory in residental area - illegal factory in residental area
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Complaint by: Rajeev on June 25, 2011, 10:47 am in Government and Police

Dear Sir
There is a factory running in the House No E-524, Street no 18 Ashok Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi - 110093 with the name of Chattar Singh since a long time and creates very high air pollution all time.
This factory generates a lot of air polution. This puts heavy mental strain on us & people staying in the nearby areas(But due to fear no body comes in front, as these factories owner have political influence along with bad person contacts). air polution is the most pervasive pollution in this area & THEY run factories late night daily till around 11PM or whole night. Please take the necessary action as soon as possible to close these factories

Thanks & Regards

Complainant's Goal: to close the illegal factories in Ashok Nagar
Complaint Location: IndiaMadhya PradeshAshok Nagar
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Thu, 05 Sep 2013  Arvind Mehta

Dear Sir,

I wish to draw your kind attention towards an unauthorized plastic factory running in a residential area. We are suffering from Air pollution in our area that is very harmful for us and our health at Gali No-4, Bhagya Vihar phase-II, Ranikhera Village, Jaun wala johad (Talab), New Delhi-110081. These problems are occurring due to this factory:
- Children are getting illed.
- Most of the residents are experiencing other breath related problems.
- Black pollutions is entering into their body when this factory is burning plastics.
- Blood pressure, throad infection and many more.

Moreover, we advised the factory owner to install a 10-20 ft pipe or close this factory as quickly as possible. We complained several time in Police department about it but they are not listening it they are just keep on ignoring it. Hope you will understand how frustrating and inconvenient it would be when a factory is running in your area and throwing black pollution in air that cause a lots of DISEASES.

Now we are also planning to file a written complained in PUBLIC GRIEVANCES COMMISSION but someone advised us to send you this complaint and we are assured that this will be taken care when we write this complaint to you.

Please take necessary action and we all shall be grateful to you.

Thanks & Regards,

All Residents of, Bhagya Vihar phase-II
Rani Khera Village, Jaun wala johad (Talab)
New Delhi-110081

Tue, 13 Sep 2011  manjeet

Dear Sir
There is a factory running in the Village matiala near shiv mandir street,uttam nagar new Delhi - 110059 since a long time and creates very high vibration.
,as these factories owner have political influence along with bad person contacts). & THEY run factories 24 HOURS whole night.AND also creates a traffic jam problems bcoz this factory park the 3 heavy trucks on a single side road.. Please take the necessary action as soon as possible to close these factories

Thanks & Regards

Tue, 05 Jul 2011  preetam

Dear Sir
There is a factory running in the House No 1023, Street no 11 madan puri ,gurgaon -122001 since a long time and creates very high air & noise pollution all time.
This factory generates a lot of air & noise polution. This puts heavy mental strain on us & people staying in the nearby areas(But due to fear no body comes in front, as these factories owner have political influence along with bad person contacts). air polution is the most pervasive pollution in this area & THEY run factories late night daily till around 11PM or whole night. i already complained to mcd but they do nothing till now so Please take the necessary action as soon as possible to close these factories

Thanks & Regards
Preetam Rawat

Sat, 25 Jun 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to illegal factory in residental area on June 25, 2011, 10:47 am