gahor property opp mbd mall and tyre showroom adjpy and illegal buiconstructed - illegal constructio going on frozepur road
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Complaint by: surbaljit on May 11, 2014, 5:10 pm in Building and Construction
Illegal shop was built flouting all norms by gahor property dealer opp mbd shoppin mall three months back and he rented his building to a tyre balancing showroom for rs 100000 per month bu y making lllegal construction his building may pls be checked now he is building ist floor adh gahor prooperty being rented out to adnotes tyre co tyre company is replacing tyres on parking place and creting nuisance to neibhoring colonies pls stop all this and demolish illegal constructed gahor property all the photogaphs and recording is being done
Complainant's Goal: to save beauty of ludhiana as per supereme court ruling
Complainant's Target: gahor property opp mbd mall and tyre showroom adjpy and illegal buiconstructed
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