IDBI Paisa Builder - idbi technical faulted software make to debit 38k from my demat account
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Complaint by: sonu on July 24, 2009, 4:33 pm in Banking and Finance

am doing online trading in IDBI CAPITAL.on june 27 2008 because of idbi software problem the entry made wrong in my ledger and it was noticed by them on october month where i closed all positions.they have taken my money approx.Rs 38000/-from my demat account and put 25000/- as debit balance.
but when i spoke the official MR BRIJESH who wil take care of the finacial dealing he told that on 27 of june some entry was wrong and it of amount 67000 and mailed the same amount but when i check my ledger there is no such entry and when spoke with him again he told and mailed me that change that amount to approx 53000 i was shocked by this two types amounts which came from database.on jan month one of the official MR jaideep told that again the wrong entry is 67000/- now i understood that the entire software seems wrong and asking the customers to pay as there wish.if there softwares were right then there is no chance of error in these many of times.and they finally mailed me stating that forgot all calcultation and pay only 25000/- which is due.

asper SEBI rule any settlements could be done with in 3 working days but it took 4 months to identify the problem and no one telling why the mistake was happend on the trading ?i asked them i will pay money when you clear the balance sheets and trading statements and explain in terms of ledger and stoks of that perticular day .but even they does not have the idea how the software went wrong and why the mistake was happned..

according to me i never seen the 53000 approx excess amount in my demat account so please help me to solve the problem

thank and regards
sai krishna

Complainant's Goal: to get back my money
Complainant's Target: IDBI Paisa Builder
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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Mon, 18 Oct 2010  M. Pavan Kumar

I support this complaint. IDBI Paisa Builder is hopeless. The customer care people are taking huge salaries for simply sleeping. The never answer quires. Very Very hopeless, hopeless and unprofessional Services

Sat, 25 Jul 2009  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to IDBI Paisa Builder on July 25, 2009, 3:44 pm