Tesco Outsource data entry job - I have been cheated by a data entry online job.
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Complaint by: Sudha on July 3, 2014, 9:17 pm in Others

Dear Sir/Madam,

I had paid Rs. 4900 (via ICICI net transfer) + Rs. 6600 (via western union transfer) to Tesco online data entry. I have been communicating with Mr. Makvana for the past one and a half months. He was very supportive in the beginning till the job was assigned to me. I paid twice for the registration. Once via ICICI net transfer and another time via western union money transfer since they said ICICI transfer is not acceptable since I am a NRI. I finished submitting the documents on time. When the time for payment came, I have been calling them daily and they dont respond at all. I sent them many mails also. Now even if I dont get paid for my work it is ok. But I want the registration fee back. Please help me regarding this.


Complainant's Goal: I want the money i sent for registration back. Rs. 11500
Complainant's Target: Tesco Outsource data entry job
Complaint Location: IndiaGujaratVadodara
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Wed, 13 Aug 2014  manoj

मैने भी इस कंपनीसे offline data entry job के लिये 3500 रु भेजे थे लेकिन इन्होने काम भेजने मे बहोतही वक्तलगाया आैर जब मैने ॆमुझे पुरे पेजेस भेजे नही। य़ह एक ठग कंपनी है। मेरे पास इनसे हुई बातचित के बहोतसे रेकाॅर्डींग है । आपके साथ भी यही हुआ है। ओर भी दुसरे एैसे बहुतसे लोग है हम सब लोगोंको साॆथ मिलकर उनकी शिकायत करनी पडेगी। मै इसी काम में लगा हुँ कृपया इस कंपनी के बारे मे आप के पास जो भी proof है वो मुझे मेरे email manojpatil2002@gmail.com पे send करो इस का हल जलदीही निकाला जायेगा।