LIC Housing Finance - I got cheated by LICHFL by deducting procesing fees twice
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Complaint by: Ankur on April 17, 2012, 8:46 pm in Loans All

It is depressing to state that it’s been more than 1 year and still I am not getting my Loan application fees reimbursed from LICHFL, which LICHFL charged me twice in 2011 Jan.
I visited number of times to LICHFL office in Noida Sec 18 and gave Application letters and bank account statement multiple times but after that no response from LICHFL side.
Loan Account – 14010067981
Application/File number – 612847
Name – Ankur Saraswat
When I applied for first disbursement of my loan amount I have provided the check of Rs 9927 as Loan processing fees. In a few days’ time, when I went to collect my disbursement amount check, I have been told from LICHFL that if I want to get my loan amount disbursement I need to pay the processing fees as my check(which I have given for processing fees) is bounced.
As I was in hurry coz my payment to builder is pending I have the paid the money(processing fees) in cash. But after few days I found out that my check(#0260352) is also en-cashed by LICHFL on 14Mar2011. Due to no response from LICHFL side sometime I feel it may be case of forgery by customers have been fooled by LICHFL. Please look into the issue.

After that when I complaint about the same to Sec 18 Noida office multiple times by personally visiting, even when I am staying in Gurgaon. Every time I have been asked to provide the bank statement and a letter asking for the above but after that no action has been taken from LICHFL side. It feel harassed now that more than 1 year has been passed and still I am running for the same and its demotivating that in such a customer centric world, a big and reputed government institution like LICHFL is not taking the steps with maturity and sensitivity even when they mentioned the same as its mission and values & in its FAIR PRACTISE CODE(To promote a fair & cordial relationship, To promote good & fair practices, We shall act fairly and in transparent manner).

Please help me in getting my money back to me as I stay in Gurgaon and its really tough for me to travel to Noida every weekend for the above reason even when I am not getting any response. I guess I might have spent more money on travelling just to get my money back.

Complainant's Goal: I want the processing fees money back
Complainant's Target: LIC Housing Finance
Complaint Location: IndiaUttar PradeshGautam Buddha Nagar
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Recent Comments
Thu, 23 May 2013  Manish Sabhnani

What action has been taken against them , they are keep harassing peoples instead of caring and make their system perfect .

Sun, 20 Jan 2013   Message By Complainant Ankur

No reply ????
Does anyone really care when we write our issues here...Or it is the just to write off our frustration ...

Tue, 17 Apr 2012  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to LIC Housing Finance on April 17, 2012, 8:46 pm