National Foundation for Educational Development - "I didn't recieve my' AIPMT MEDICA PLUS'books which I ordered one month back!
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Complaint by: pooja vijayaraj on April 22, 2010, 3:44 pm in Books
I didn\'t receive the AIPMT MEDICA PLUS books yet.when I try to contact them by mobile,no one is picking up.It is so unfair on their part.Since we are in Chennai,they take an advantage that we don\'t have any means to launch a complaint against them(that is what they think..).
Complainant's Goal: want to get my books before the enterance exam.
Complainant's Target: National Foundation for Educational Development
Complaint Location: India › Roorkee Uttarakhand
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An email communication has been sent to National Foundation for Educational Development on May 1, 2010, 12:41 am