I opened a LIC saving scheme(********1) on 2002, its a 15 years scheme. i paid 10,497 per year and now its 12 years completed. last year december i took 50000 of loan and the interest for the loan amount is 2825 only. Due to some bad scenario happened in my own family with the other LIC account, i just went to LIC office here in karaikudi and enquire about amount, they said only 13,000 i can get if they deducted the loan amount from my saving sheme. its big shock for me. my savings is nearly 120000, and ready to pay the loan amount and interest. but still the employees in the LIC behaved very rude and rubbish, i was fored in the condition to surrender my LIc saving account. not its around 3 days passed away, i didnt get the 13,000 till now. My husband walked threw the office more than 3 times there is no proper response. i was fully dissatified and fedup. LIC is full of fruad and swallowing our money in merciless way. Now my condition is i lost all the trust which i had it blindly on LIC and lost more that 70000. im not only person even my own brother cusine who work in abroad faced the same problem and lost so many thousands. LIC eating our flesh and blood when we are alive.