Mr.Srivastava Telephone NO.09090515045 - I culd not get my car Alto as promised over telephone.
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Complaint by: Pushpendra on September 26, 2011, 2:37 pm in Others
There was a quiz advertisment in a Hindi daily news paper,Danik Jagran on 13.09.11.My daughter Ms. Sonali Chaturvedi given correct answer. For that deposited Rs.2000/- IN A STATE BANK OF INDIA as per instruction of a telephone caller from Kerla Mr.Srivastava on 16.09.11 Account No.200******** .Name of account Holder is Mr.Ranjeet Singh.Now all above given no are swithed off.They had promised us to award a Alto car by 24.09.11.
Pl suggest and take necessary action
Pushpendar Kumar Chaturvedi
Contact No.0********50
Complainant's Goal: Punishment against Fraud
Complainant's Target: Mr.Srivastava Telephone NO.09090515045
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