ECOCITY KOlKATA REAL ESTATE COMPANY has terrible client service - I am totally astonished with the behaviour and service of Ecocity kolkata
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Complaint by: pinaki on June 5, 2011, 5:48 pm in Real Estate
I am totally astonished with the terribble client service provided from ECOCITY kolkata a real estate company.Even after giving appointment they make me wait at their construction site along with ny aged father.Their behaviour is not well over phone.This is for awareness please be careful before choosing a real estate company while investing.These are very important and that experience may be bitter but fortunately it helps me not to invest at their project which I think may become much more painful in future.Please neglect these type of people .This for awareness
Complainant's Goal: Awareness to people not to have bitter experience which I have been through
Complainant's Target: ECOCITY KOlKATA REAL ESTATE COMPANY has terrible client service
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