Employee Provident Fund - i am still not get my Provident Fund
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Complaint by: Shahnawaz Siddiqui on June 8, 2009, 12:51 pm in Career and Employment

Respected Sir,

i am A. A. Siddiqui i have problem of my Provident fund related since last 8 years (from 2002).

at that time i am worked in Dopson Pharma India Limited. till date i am not recived my Provident Fund amount. and company is closed from 13th Janauary 2002.

and company not given to us gratuity amount also and nobody taken its seriously. and i already forward the same complaint at delhi P.F administration office they prepaire only pension amount but still we are unable to get any help from them also.

and P.F office in kandiwali(mumbai)not accepting my P.F requesting form and return bak to me they are saying your P.F amount not rrecived from Dopson.

this is responsibility of area inspector (Mr.Dighe)from P.F office.

my P.F number is MH/24383/258.

due to unwell my financial condition i am facing lot of problem in my life.

i hope so much from you sir kindly do the favour for me for this so i should get my P.F amount as soon as possible.

plesae help me to get my provident fund amount.below is my contact number.

Thanks in Anticipation,

Yours Truly,

Complainant's Goal: i want to get my P.F amount asap. because i am not well financial.
Complainant's Target: Employee Provident Fund
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraMumbai
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Recent Comments
Mon, 28 Feb 2011  vishal goel

I support this complaint.PF not received
I have applied for my PF winthdrawal through my previous employer and my previous employer has submitted all the required papers, proof and documents as on january 05, 2011 to the regional providend fund commissioner 341, Bhavishya nidhi bhavan, bandra (east) Mumbai. I have still not received my PF which should ideally take 53 days to get credited into my account.

I have tried calling the EPF Office, Mumbai on the phone number provided, but un-able to reach anyone on those numbers provided.

My PF number is MH/44546/5985

vishal goel

Mon, 21 Feb 2011  pankaj modi


my name is Pankaj Modi and i have submitted my pf claim to the department on 3rd september 2010
with a cancelled cheque till date i have not received my pf amount, i have called all the possible numbers of the hyderabad where the form was submitted everytime i call their office they give another number to call and the same thing is happening repetedly
please help me to get my pf amount
my a/c number is ap/44454/007198 .

yours thankfully

Tue, 15 Feb 2011  Gauravsaini


I worked with a a company named Acel Frontline Ltd ,New Delhi I left that company in
02 April 2009 and couriered my form and documents to EPF office Pune, Mumbai
in October 2010.

I was told that i would get my amount max in 45 days.But i did't get any
call, any mail since then, they never respond over the phone(now the office
phone no is out of service).

I mailed(email) them, but no response from there.

My PF no is MH/33729/38492

Please look into matter.

Please do the needful.

Gaurav Saini

Tue, 09 Jun 2009  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Provident Fund India on June 9, 2009, 6:22 pm