Respted Sir NAMASKR.
My self working in central Govt. Para Military Force emplyees. During my outside Delhi posting, I was filled up two scheme forms in Gaziabad Development Authority in folloeing schemes.
1.Indira Puram, MIG/MINI MIG Housing Scheme (GDA) vide scheme code 759 with application No. 07737 dated 22-02-2008.
2.EWS one room Flat in Indira Puram EWS residentail four stoired scheme code 809 with application No.03096 dt. 11-10-2011.
Regarding result of draw or other information not received from Gaziabad Development Authority till date.
I may kindly request to provide above result inforamton at early, becouse I also posted in Delhi Address i.e. 46/2, Old Market Timar Pur, Delhi-54 (********97).
Thanking you.