The Manager Claims Jamshedpur Division Life Insurance Corporation of India - I am not satisfied with your service
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Complaint by: AMRENDRA on November 17, 2012, 11:52 pm in Insurance All

The Manager (Claims),
Jamshedpur Division
Life Insurance Corporation of India

Subject- Settlement of claims of LIC policy numbers 554032032, 554032033, 551458638 (All from Branch I, Ranchi) and 554770418 (From Branch II, Ranchi) pertaining to Late Akshay Kumar.
Reference: Your letter no. nil dated 19.09.2012

This is to bring to your kind notice that I had initiated the settlement of claims for the above mentioned policy numbers on 17.11.2011 in Branch I and 10.12.2011 in Branch II, Ranchi. However, the matter is yet to be resolved by your office. Though verbal assurance was given to me by your office for the settlement time and again but till date I am still waiting for it.
Meanwhile, recently I received a letter from your office carrying letter no. nil dated 19.09.2012, which asked succession certificate issued by the court of the law. It is quite disgusting that this certificate has been demanded after about ten months when I initiated the matter of claims settlement.
This is the case when the IRDA has asked the LIC to settle the claims within the time frame of six months.
Here it would not be out of context that I have already made available a similar document to you issued by the court of the law, which has specifically declared me a legal guardian loud and clear. According to the judgement of the Honourable Court I have been given responsibility for shaping better future of ‘AKSHITA’. According to the judgement I have also to look after her properties and insure quality education for her. In this case I am the sole authority to whom the LIC should pay all the claims as I have been assigned by the court to look after the properties of ‘AKSHITA’.
In this way no other person except me is a successor for her. Keeping in view this point it is requested to resolve the matter accordingly.
The letter which was dispatched by your office 26.09.2012 was delivered here on 29.09.2012. I responded to your letter on 01.10.2012. A response letter has been submitted to your Ranchi Branch I as well as Jamshedpur Divisional Office through speed post on 04.10.2012. However, there has been no reply from your office till date.
For resolving my grievances, I seek replies on five points raised by me in the letter written to you dated 01.10.2012. After running from pillar to post in your office I now feel humiliated and am in distress. Hence, I humbly request to look into the matter and get the issues resolved at the earliest.
Scanned copies of all the related documents are being sent to you for your perusal and necessary action. Here is the list of the documents-
Serial No. Documents submitted Date
1. Receiving receipt of the claims in Ranchi Branch I 17.11.2011
2. Receiving receipt of the claims in Ranchi Branch II 10.12.2011
3. Reminder to Ranchi Branch I 10.05.2012
4. Second reminder to Ranchi Branch I 15.09.2012
5. Reminder to Ranchi Branch II 19.09.2012
6. A letter to Manager (Claims), Jamshedpur Division through Ranchi Branch I, Ranchi 01.10.2012
7. Affidavit letter to Manager (Claims), Jamshedpur by Sobha Malviya (my mother) through Ranchi Branch I 01.10.2012
8. Letter mentioned in Sr. No. 6 & 7 were sent by speed post dated 04.10.2012, which was received in the office on 05.10.2012 ------------

Thanking You,
Yours faithfully
(Amrendra Malviya)

Complainant's Goal: Settlement of claims
Complaint Location: IndiaJharkhandEast Singhbhum
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