Tata Photon Plus - I Am not Satisfied with you product and Services
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Complaint by: Joy on June 1, 2011, 6:56 pm in Internet Related

I am using Tata Photon+ No. ********09 where in they committed me 3.1mbps speed but the day I purchased this device I am not getting speed more than 256kps to 700kbps. I had lodged complaint several times either they did troubleshoot over the phone or they sent an engineer again they did the same troubleshoot after that you will get 256kbps as per our commitment we can’t do anything. I am not happy with the services I want money refund.

Complainant's Goal: I want my money back
Complainant's Target: Tata Photon Plus
Complaint Location: IndiaHaryanaFaridabad
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Wed, 29 Jun 2011 - Business Reply from - Tata Indicom (Tata Photon Plus)

Dear Mr. Hari,

Greetings from Tata Indicom!

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

We would like to inform that, our concerned team verified the records and updated the resolution, as per request for cancellation process has been done on 22-Jun-2011, hence we would like to inform you that wavier posted amount will received on next month bill.

Should you require any further assistance please mail us at Customer.care@tatatel.co.in or you can call us on 040-******** (10 am to 6 pm from Monday to Saturday).

Thanks and Regards,
Customer Care,
Tata Indicom.

Wed, 22 Jun 2011 - Business Reply from - Tata Indicom (Tata Photon Plus)

Dear Mr. Hari,

Greetings from Tata Indicom!

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

We would like to inform that, as per your request for cancellation has been under process, you need to visit our nearest Tata Indicom office and submit a written request for cancellation after clearing your outstanding and unbilled usage amount.

Should you require any further assistance please mail us at Customer.care@tatatel.co.in or you can call us on 040-******** (10 am to 6 pm from Monday to Saturday).

Thanks and Regards,
Customer Care,
Tata Indicom.