Dear Sir,
I am a sr.ctzn and travelled on 13 Aug 2010 in train no. 7230 Sabari express from Hyderabad to Coimbatore in coach no.S7 berth no.09. TTE came after Secundrabad
station, checked the tickets and disappeard. I checked in the near by coaches and
could not find him. When the train reached Salem Jn at 6 a.m a new TTE came and
checked the tickets and found no where. Both the TTEs failed to remove the passengers with out reservation from the reserved coaches, received some bribes
and allowed them to travel. To lodge a complaint of the troubles and discomfort caused by these unauthorised reservation less passengers ( some were drunken
criminal, lotters, beggers and luggage stealers) the concerned TTEs were not found.
The same was experienced when I travelled from Coimbatore to Hyderabad on
09 Aug 2010 in coach no.S6 berth no.33.
I therefore request you Sir, that special squads must be deployed to check the non
performing TTEs and to make the rail journey comfortable and with out the fear of
baggage lifters.
I hope to hear from you.
with kind regards,
Rev.Fr.John Andrews
Mob: 098435 04444