In effects Marketing - I am not satisfied with servicing/cleaning of my AVIATER.
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Complaint by: quaid johar on June 25, 2012, 1:46 pm in Business and Finances
I have been cheated by your dealer Fortune Motors pvt ltd . secundrabad. I have given my AVIATER for service on 21-06-2012 . they have just clean the outer body of the two wheeler and delivered to me the same day. on 23rd I had notice that the head light was not working so I myself remove the front two panels to rectify the fault but to my surprise I notice that it was not clean/ or even open to service the battery area. images attached. The details for the service is as follows invoice no 121w08068 21-06-2012 job card no12jc08100 customer cod cw42089.
Complainant's Goal: can we trust your dealers for genuin services and spare parts
Complainant's Target: In-effects Marketing
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