I bought an iphone GOLD 16GB recently with product serial number DX3NDHZSFRC6.( 1 year warrenty include) Few days back its charger stopped working when i went to the service centre their i was told thad my charger is not genuine simply lying because i bought it sealed from dealer. after that i was dircted towards customer care centre where i had a talk with MR.PRASANJEET .... HE ASSUREDme he'll looks into the mater and revert me back bt no inititative was taken by him... after that when i again called customer care i had a chat with MISS RASHMA DAAVID.... To kwn status of my complain....again she had no answer .... then again i was dircted toward MISS AMRITA....who again repeated the same blame game... stating fcts that my charger is not genuine.... when i asked them to provide me the above stated fact in written the denied stating had they have no such authority leaving to my own devices.... i would like to logde a formal compain against these three so called senior execetives....