1. Brand Name -Micromax
2. Product description (model number etc.)- Micromax 352g data card(MMX352G)
3. Purchase date: 09-12-2011
4. Purchase location: online Letsbuy.com
5. Cost of the product: 1800
6. Receipt/invoice number: LSB- 703756
7. Is the product under warranty: yes
8. Cost of damage: 1800
9. Description of the complaint in detail:
I gave my product to M/S Arun Cell care,Vizag on 16-02-2012, after 1 month they gave me different model no from micromax(MMX350G) for replacement which is cheaper than my product. So I refused to take that product and I demanded same product But again and again M/S arun cell care telling me that micromax cmny sending only MMX350G everytime for replacement of MMX352G.How can I get different model for replacement. I am suffering this issue from more than a month
10. Complaint number if any: Jobsheet no- N030368-0212-649844 , Request No- r1202fand0704409