SAGAR FOREX LIMITED - i am not satisfied with icici credit card services
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Complaint by: sagar on October 8, 2011, 12:26 pm in Credit Cards


The Manager,
ICICI Bank Ltd.,

Subject:- Complaint regarding credit card no.:- 4132********7003

Dear Sir,

Above mention card is in the name of Vidya Sagar Aggarwal, S.U.S. Nagar, Jalandhar; He is preffered customer. But your bank officer doesn’t deal according it’s status. There is Dispute still stand from your officer with us. Our Payment record upto 2008 is very accurate according to our usage. On dated 15/07/2008 I had issued CBOP Cheque number :- 025277 Amount Rs. 30351.99 regarding payment of credit card. But ICICI bank asked me there is insufficient balance in account and cheque is returned. I am reissue the cheque no.:- 023758 of cbop but your bank debited us interest Amt. Rs. 15737.08 and service tax 1945.10 on dated 05/08/2008.your bank till debited more interest and charges on this amount. Your bank take this amount via two lien in our current account no. 00********24 (Sagar International Tours & Travels) Amount Rs. 35410.21/- and S.F. A/c 00********15 (Vidya Sagar Aggarwal) Amount Rs. 5612/-. In this way your bank withdraw 41022.21/-. Kindly waive the same charges. If ICICI bank offered us for settlement prior lien then I am already ready for it. They can not offered us for settlement. So, Kindly revert my all charges back.I already complaint about this matter in banking Ombudsman, Chandigarh.

Thanking You,

Yours truly,

Vidya Sagar Aggarwal,
M.No.:- ********60

Complainant's Goal: i want icici Credit Card charges back (card no.:- 4132894050187003)
Complainant's Target: SAGAR FOREX LIMITED
Complaint Location: IndiaPunjabJalandhar
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Tue, 11 Oct 2011 - Business Reply from - ICICI Bank Care (SAGAR FOREX LIMITED)

Hi ,

We are sorry to hear about your experience.We have made a note of your mobile number.We'll get back to you soon.

ICICI Bank Customer Service Team