smart cars limited - i am not satisfied by your parts replacement.
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Complaint by: Mayank Srivastava on March 27, 2015, 11:07 am in Cars Parts and Vehicles

WE are facing serious troubles of our vehicle Honda Civic reg. no. UP 78 BJ 5261 for tight steering and non operation of Air conditioning. In this regard i had sent the vehicle at Pushp Honda, smart cars ltd kanpur UP, India two times and spent the demand charges of Pushp Honda for these items for approx. Rs. 1.50 lacs.

I was facing the same problem again in the month of september last time the pushp honda, smart cars ltd. has changed the spare parts of the steering and air conditioning and demanded the charges of Rs. 70,000 . I had paid the same amount on dt. 27/12/2014 and they handovered the car on same date.

But the same problems has been started from 14/02/2014 and i had contacted to Mr. Pramod Jaiswal, Mr. Saurav and Ms Anuradha for same problems mentioned above but they had not replied till date and we had also contacted to mobile no. 0********54, ********00 and landline no. 0512-2234253 for the lodged complaint to director of Phushp Honda, smart cars ltd. but they had they niether talk to us nor contact to direct conversation.

It should be noted the staff of Honda cars ltd. has cheated and forge me. In this connection i request you to kindly remove my car fault as mentioned above within 10 days, otherwise i will be compelled to take a legal action against the company.

Complainant's Goal: To correctly repair my vehicle without any cheating and forgery.
Complainant's Target: smart cars limited
Complaint Location: IndiaUttar PradeshKanpur Nagar
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