Asia Pacific International Courier - I am not getting my parcel eventhough I paid $550 to Asia Pasific Courier.
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Complaint by: Maulik Sarvaiya on November 24, 2009, 6:16 pm in Lottery Scams

Lottery, SMS, Email and Online scam letters are sent out by the thousands and thousands every day. There are only two things they want - your money and your identity. A simple mistake can lead to loss of your identity and money.

Read more at - Lottery & Online Scam Alert

On 29/9/2009 I received an email of winning prize so I was asked to contact Asia Pacific Iternational Courier when I contac them they told me 3 modes of payment,for receiving parcel [30.2g] I select $550, at that time I went to Western
Union Money tranfer but they told me that they need account no.of Mr.Lai Andrew so he did not give but he gave me a account no.of Mr.Vijay Kumar Kutty[30********1 State Bank Of India-Thane Branch] he told me that this person is his freind,then
I paid $550[in Rs.25700] after that his agent came to India he damands more money for custom clearance but I refuse to give
and now neither they send my parcel nor give my money back with rebate.Will you help me?please.

Complainant's Goal: To get money back or to get parcel.
Complaint Location: IndiaKaulalumpur Malasiya
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Wed, 25 Nov 2009  Message from Helpdesk

This is a fraud, stay away from it, for details read alert notification given on top of your complaint. Also we suggest you to file an FIR in nearest cyber cell police station with all the details.