Ca - I am cheated by customer
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Complaint by: kinstushar on February 7, 2010, 4:30 pm in Internet Related


I request as information regarding Web Hosting.

I have a customer in Bangalore who took 1 year subscription of website I started service for him on 1st January 2009. I charged nominal Rs. 2000.00 from his website (Static Site with more then 15 pages) including web hosting (20Mb) and Domain Registration.

Now this year same date 1 Jan 2010 his web site hosting period expired and his website was deactivated.

He requested to renew it and promised to pay Rs. 2000.00 as within 2 days of activation. I activated his site paying amount from my pocket to web hosting services.

After Site got activated he did not respond to my E Mails. After some days he mailed me that he want ID and Password of Administrator of web hosting account. I clarified him that If I give you that information you or some body else will copy my web site.

I told him that If he wants that info he needs to purchase website from me and then he can get all Id\'s and Passwords, but in that case he has to maintain this site on his own. I will not be responsible for renewal and other issues.

He still has not paid me the amount. I kindly request you to let me know correct way to deal with such customers or how can you provide me assistance.

Thank You!

Complainant's Goal: I request assistance
Complainant's Target:
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Wed, 10 Feb 2010  Message from Helpdesk

You have alreay de-activated his website, so kindly wait and contact customer to pay your dues.

Also you have not provided complete customer details including email and address, so we are unable to forward your complaint.