ssmg solutions - i am cheated by the ssmg solutions
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Complaint by: eswar on January 29, 2013, 6:21 pm in Internet Related

Some one called me from work from home earn 20 offer aug 31 2011 one lady and told exciting offer

forced me to join for

earn20.Com claims to pay money for online form filling. They claim to pay rs. 20 per form we fill

online and send the money by cheque...but one lady call me on 28/10/2012 and say if I deposit the

money on or before 01/11/2012 they are pay me rs. 40 per form.

Then I deposited 3000 in axis bank acc no:********1102516

after payment they are give me a user ID and password to my email ID sender mail ID.

I started working following their instruction on the website. But after some form successful

submitting.Totally worked for 2000/- After that I cant submit any form and I haven't received any

cheque or money from them. And I tried to call their no. But phone was switched off then I tried to

call some other no. Then they wont reply me again so please take action and help me.

Thanking you.

Complainant's Goal: there were so many people loss money like me.pls help us.
Complainant's Target: ssmg solutions
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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