Poonam Electronics - I am cheated by poonam electronics guwahati
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Complaint by: gautam 82 on June 18, 2010, 4:54 pm in Home and Garden
yesterday on 17th june 2010 I puschased an electonic adaptor from poonam electronics guwahati lakhtokia near railway gate marketed by shanti elctronics Delhi.as the item is chainese the sales person did not give me any receipt .when i used it at home it did not work,then i went to the shop to return it back today 18th of jun 2010.but they did not take it back and insteed they misbehaved with me.I want justice please help me.
Gautam Dutta
panjabari ghy-37
mobile -********06
Complainant's Goal: compensation for my loss and punishment to the sales man who cheated me
Complainant's Target: Poonam Electronics
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