Hindware Sanitaryware - Hindware sold us a Faulty Commode
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Complaint by: Shehla on November 23, 2017, 10:53 am in Others

Hindware is the WORST company that we have ever dealt with. They have NO CONCEPT OF CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT OR MAINTAINING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION !!!!!!!
We were delivered a faulty commode almost a year back and until now (even after repeated attempts) we have not received a replacement. Whenever we call their customer service center enquiring about the status of our complaint , we only receive numerous promises that we will soon get a replacement. None of these promises have been met and none of their deadlines have been adhered to.

After a zillion attempts, Hindware issued an authorization letter to collect a replacement commode from their retail agent Tulsi Ceramics. Little did we know that this is only a ploy - a dirty political trick that they are playing with us. When we started calling Tusli Ceramics to enquire when we can collect the promised replacement, they in turn told us that they have not received any heads from Hindware up on this matter. When we call Hindware to check, they state that the authorization letter for providing a replacement has been issued and its no longer their concern. Now we are in a closed loop where Hindware tells us to contact Tulsi Ceramics and Tulsi Ceramics asks us to go back to Hindware with our complaint.

We are frustrated with the repeated calls and emails to both Hindware and Tulsi Ceramics and fail to understand what next we are expected to do as consumers to ensure that we get a replacement at the earliest. Our product is still under warranty and the company is still not taking any responsibility of providing a replacement.

The managers from both these companies have even stopped talking our calls. When we post the complaint on Hindware facebook, they dont even make pour post public. All the complaints are just 'swept under the carpet' and not attended to.

Whats surprising is that Hindware was such a reputed company and they have now resorted to such cheap tricks to steal money from consumers.

Complainant's Goal: replacement of the faulty commode
Complainant's Target: Hindware Sanitaryware
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Sat, 03 Feb 2018  Manoj Kumar

I totally agree. It's a worst company. Hindware 's customer care is totally waste, there is no sense, bloody robots are sitting, repeating same things again and again with no sense and don't listen to customer problem. They only know to repeat the lines they have been thought. Email id given for complaint, I don't know who responds to these mails, they also responds without reading customer problem. Bloody robots being operated by system. There is no tracking of issues and they are least bother whether your problem gets resolved or not