Izenica - Highly untolerable service by izenica csm noida. Problem still there from past 5
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Complaint by: ankur on October 7, 2015, 5:22 pm in Mobile and Cell Phones

This is to bring into notice that after submitting my phone having imei number 35 437706 709734 9 twice at your csm noida centre i didnt get my problem resolved. Also i was told that i am using whatapp and the data being transferred throught it my phone has such issues. Although plenty of my friends use i phone and even i had used 5 5s also but never faced such issue and nor any of my friend using i phone faced. Also i have mentioned that the button to silent my phone is so loose and now its being silenced automaticaly manier times. Half of the warranty of my phone has been wasted in submitting and yet the problem is there. Who would be responsible after my phone's warranty expires in a month. Kindly let me know for the same asap else i have to find some legal options to resolve my problem through approaching consumer court. Now i dont want this handset again by listening it will work fine now. I strictly want to get it replaced. However i dont have so much time to come again angld again to your centre and spend atleast half of my day submitting and recieving my phone. Please make sure this time i dont get this back. Fetch the details through its imei number.
Your effort will highly be appreciated.
Thanks in advance


Complainant's Goal: Problem not resolved after submitting twice and untolerable reasons being given
Complainant's Target: Izenica
Complaint Location: IndiaUttar PradeshGautam Buddha Nagar
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Wed, 13 Jul 2016  prashant rathor

dear sirmam
my iphone 6 64 gb charging jack not working i give u my phone for replace but your hand no response of my calls means is not pickup my phone plz give me a my phone status


Tue, 17 Nov 2015  Vikram Singh


iZenica Authorised Service,
Sector 18, CSM Mall, Noida, India.

SUBJECT: Complaint - Display glass & Home button of my iPhone broken by iZenica, Noida.

Hi Apple Care / iZenica,

This is to bring to your notice that today I had visited iZenica Authorosed Service Provider in Sector 18 branch, Noida to get serviced my Apple iPhone 5S 16GB (IMEI: 35********53923) since its camera lens had dust & I wanted it to be cleaned.

The iZenica representatives confirmedt that my Apple iPhone was 'in warranty' of 1 YEAR & hence accepted my handset for cleaning.
(iZenica Service Report / Job sheet & Pic of Broken Display Glass Iphone attached herewith)

However, after an hour, they called me and said that the dust from the iPhone lens has been cleaned, but the protective accessory glass coating has got cracked in the
process of opening the handset and that I can get it replaced for Rs. 300 or 400 from any outside accessory store.
Assuming in good faith that this will be a minor expense of protective optional accessory, I left without arguing for the damage caused by your technician.

But the Accessory Store in the Mall today evening showed that it was not the accessory that was broken, but showed that the entire Display of the handset
itself was broken by the engineer while opening the iphone today. After this horrifying discovery, I went to the iZenica centre after my office hrs but it was closed.
I can not use my iPhone now, as its functions need the home button functionality.

This means that iZenica representative had knowingly lied to me after doing bad workmanship & spoiling my handset as its home button is also not working now.
This is a horrifying case of cheating & misleading your customer and not doing appropriate service. My faith in brand Apple & 'authorised' partner iZenica
has been lost as of now due to this nightmare of an experience today.

We value dearly such products as iPhone and do not expect Apple or its service partner to inflict the cost of its miscarriage repair on to the customer .
Also your service center mentioned that my iPhone is not listed as Gold but as Grey in their database.

You are hereby required to immediately provide me relief from this loss by replacing my iPhone display screen & home button broken by your team or else replace the entire handset -
failing which I shall take up the matter to the Consumer Court & the media against Apple & iZenica.

Best Regards,
Vikram Singh