Bus conductor - Harassment by Govt. bus conductor to female commuters
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Complaint by: Sifani on January 6, 2014, 7:01 am in Travel and Vacations
I Want to raise a complaint on bus conductor who was on duty on 06.01.2014 in bus number 44 which commutes between Podhaturpet and Thirutani(its a rural area). First of all Bus have to start by 5.15 am but it started 5 mins earlier. I have to wave my hand to stop(still bus was in the bus stand). Conductor asked me to board on while the bus was moving because of which my handbag was torn and fell beneath the wheels.. when I asked for an explanation, coductor used unnecessary words which humiliated me in the public. . Its an harassment. . I dont have proof however many witnessed it.. However no one would come forward because I m a girl and I shouldnt raise my voice to a man..
Complainant's Goal: To stop harassing female commuters
Complainant's Target: Bus conductor
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