Mayur Sharma - Getting tortured and threatened by girlfriend
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Complaint by: Mayur on August 14, 2013, 11:46 am in Family and Relationships

Hi. This is Mayur (using different name) who is unhappy with the present life because of girlfriend.

I was into relationship with a girl since April 2013, where there was no commitments.

Problem I have faced with her:

1. After 2 months (Means in June 2013), She has started abusing me for a whole day and I was not able to do anything as I was in office. She keeps on threatening me and bothering me for the whole day by sitting at ma place. I was feeling helpless and spineless as I cant do anything. I respect girls and do not want to fight with her, When I came to my place, she started shouting, getting violent, abusing and threatening in front of ma roommates.
I was unhappy with the behavior of her since long as she do not allow me to meet my friends also.
Her continuous phone calls and abusive nature was making me weak and killing inside.
She predominantly claims that she is having a bipolar syndrome of depression in which she do not know, what she do..
I have ask her to end up the relationship, but she beg and ask me to give a second chance to improvise. She forced me to live in the relationship as she was trying to tell me "She will attempt suicide" and come to my office.
She was facing from a travelling problem and many other where I have helped her. She promise verbally that she will never say NO if I ever want to leave her. Our nature does not match at all.

2. Three days back (12th August 2013), She again done a scene and shown violent nature because of small issue that I did not came along with her in beauty parlor. She started abusing me and threatening me on phone and ask me to meet me. It was not possible to confront her as she was damn violent and threatening that she will MURDER me. I ran away from my place and didn't came for 3 hours. She has abuse me so many times and done a bIG SCENE at ma flat. She has push the maid of my flat and ask her to leave the place. she started breaking the glasses of my flat. I have to come immediately to stop such activities. Whole building people got to know about her abusive and violent nature. She has beaten me, abuse me in front of ma best friend. I was just bearing up so that she should leave the flat and never come to my life again.

My flat people ask me to leave the flat she has created such nuisances.

I cannot live with such a girl who drinks, smoke, abuse, threats so badly.

I agree that I have done a mistake that I was into relationship with such girl who is a depression patient and threatens me of MURDER all the time if I ask her to end up on a good note.

My zeal does not allow me to talk for a single minute who had made ma life hell and she is still forcing me to live together. I am profession person whose age is 26 (Unmarried) and have a family commitments,

She keeps on calling me day and night, force me to meet her and talk to her. How come she can expect also? why she keeps on threatening me? why she keeps on torturing me? Why do not she understand that guy is so much embrassed, suffering from a bad time as he has to shift the flat immediately because of her.

She is having a bipolar syndrome of depression and family is also separated. Her family background could be the reason of her problem.

Please guide me ASAP.

Complainant's Goal: Need to be separated from a girlfriend because of her threatening nature
Complainant's Target: Mayur Sharma
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraPune
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Wed, 26 Mar 2014  Matina

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