i had ordered a Spice Art Women's Handbag SA-207A Yellow on 30th may 2013 from bagskart.com the order no of that was 1200519076.
i had recieved the product after about a week but the product was used on 11th of july and on the very same day it started disintegrating and disposing in a very bad manner . we cant understand that how it happened . we took that on a bag shop and was told that the product was too old that is why the material of the bag got expired and the bag had become like this. i had uploaded a picture of that bag and the bill with my complaint and send it to the support team of the site on 24th of july. on 29th of july i received a mail from them that we are un able to refund or replace the product as it is not our policy. the bag was of Rs. 897=00 and all the money that i spend in it was wasted . kindly help me that what can i do in this matter. i will be highly obliged . i can also present or upload the bill and the pictures or the product when asked.