Viteos Technology - Fraud company which has cheated for job
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Complaint by: Rohan Garg on July 9, 2013, 3:29 pm in Career and Employment

Main Points: The company called Viteos technology who has cheated candidate for the name of job.
Company asked to deposit 30000 as security deposit after completion of successfully interview.
I have also attended interview on 28th may and company asked me to deposited 30000 and i have deposited cash in hand just after interview.
Company has given me offer letter and asked me to join after 15 june. I went to office on 14 june to confirm my joining and i found that company has locked and not a single information has provided. I found there some people were talking about this fake company. Unfortunately I have tried the concern person cellphone no ********15 and the person(Amit Ghosh) picked the call. He said me that he will refund my money on my saving account on or before 30 june and also he send me the confirmation mail regarding the refund of amount. But now his all contact no and company contact no are not reachable since 30 june. So many has effected with this company.

Complainant's Goal: I want my money back and publicize this fraud company
Complainant's Target: Viteos Technology
Complaint Location: IndiaWest BengalKolkata
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Recent Comments
Sun, 25 May 2014  Arijit Paul

The company has given me a Offer Letter also. But they didn't give any joining.Baal r Company bara.....

Tue, 06 Aug 2013  sabyasachi

can any one give me your mbl number plz...else contact throgh email id
..plzz soon.

Sat, 27 Jul 2013  Ashwani kumar

Hey frnds i am ashwani and i too support your point,
a company named viteostechnology conducted a campus drive at our college and charged rs 500 frm each candidates who were interested in attending the campus drive..
Near about 300 to 400 candidates appeared for the campus drive,out of which they finally seletd 20 candidates and asked them to kolkatta by sending a confirmation mail followed by a phone call,in which emphasized on the amt of rs 30000 which was to be depositd to them before joining,and i devlpd a hint dout abt their intension at dat moment,
they asked me to report to their kolkata office at krishna building in ajc road..
Whn i reachd their they asked me to switch of my cel phone before entering their office...finaly dat man amit took me to cabin and startd convincing me,to pay the amt,since i had already dvlpd an dout of their intntns.i askd him to let me know some details of his company nd the projects which they are working on he,was unable to give me satisfactory answr wic incrd my douts on him.
I told him to let me know who was the owner of company and where were its other branches and d year in wic company was establishd since ur website does nt provides sufficient information of company,he told me dat his company was establishd in 2011 nd he himself was owner,but..i had already chkd the domain of their website wic was registrd frm june 2012,these clues were enough for me to undrstand dat his intensns nt since i was nt cnfrm,
So i told him dat sir m ready to join ur cmpny and pay the amt nly if u accept a back date check wic will be dated at d date of my joining,
nd dat was enough make evrythng crstal clear,
he got angry.dat we r nt seating here fr bargaining...
He askd me do u dout our intns,i told yes nw i dnt nly dout m cnfrm and lft their office...
I was lucky enough frnds dat i did noticd the small clues nd knew dat d cmpny was fake and hence savd myslf frm getting cheatd.
Bt u all came undr his trap,they wre such a big fraud...they should b capturd as soon as dat no other prson falls undr their trap and get cheatd..

Fri, 12 Jul 2013  bharati

i am bharati dutta i too support you rohan garg i was even told the same thing by amit with the same number. His phone is switched off. He took from me and from my friend also 30,000 rs. what is your next step tell me?