Sony Ericsson - Fraud by Cell Net a Service provider of Sony Ericsson
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Complaint by: Suneel Suryavanshi on July 19, 2009, 7:05 pm in Mobile and Cell Phones

I handed over my mobile phone to CellNet, one of service provider for sony ericsson for maintainance on 20th June 2009. They returned an acknowledgment against my mobile phone to us and asked us to come back after 15 days. When we reached to CellNet after 20 days, found that they don\'t have any record for my phone and asked us to wait till they search at their end. We have been repeatedly contacting with them for last few days about status of my phone but they are not ready to provide the same. It seems that they have already lost my cell phone somewhere. Request you to please intervene this case and help us.

Thanks & Regards
Suneel Suryavanshi

Complainant's Goal: To get back my mobile phone from service provider.
Complainant's Target: Sony Ericsson
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNew Delhi
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Recent Comments
Mon, 23 Aug 2010  Rakesh

I had recently bought a sony erricson Mobile, it just worked fine just for 3months, it had a warranty of 1 year, and when i took it to the servce centre they said its opened by some one and its out of Waranty, even i have not opend its plastic cover since i baught but how come they say such a lie , and cheat me, so what the hell of this buying this kind of stuff, should really ban on this stuff and seriously take an legal action on this service centre and the company who cheat inocent peoples as like me,

Thu, 15 Jul 2010  shusma kausar

I had many problems in my Sony erricsson Mobile, in spite I went so many times to the service centre they never bothered to solve my problem even though it had warranty, I even called to the Sony erricsson support help, of course they replied to me after they contacted the service centre but of no use of this support because they listen to them and say the same thing in return saying the mobile is damaged with me even though its in a very good condition and even without a scratch on it, so I advice the people who are going for it please don’t by this stupid product which has no service and cheat people by giving a false warranty, they only repair or service if the problem is minor that too taking weeks and also even months, but this should be publish in a leading news paper and websites so the people come to know about what’s going on with this product and company, so my request is who ever read this comments please pass it on and circulate to as much as possible to peoples to make aware of this to them, thank You

Wed, 14 Jul 2010  sajid

Its no wonder about the Sony erricson service centre and their product, every time I se to face problem when ever I buy their stuff, even tough its expensive from other mobiles the service was so worst, and more over they cheat innocent people, also not bothered about costumers, the costumers care is only for the name and they are really not bothered about the customer, or else they would not have been rude or cheat people, the last i face the problem in my Sony erricson P990i the problem is there was no light in display and rest everything working fine even the icons on the display could be seen in dark only no light, when i had complained this they said the problem in display and changed it when it did not help then they said the problem was in software and they tried that too, later said the problem in mother board and it cost about 90% of the new Mobile, so now just think? does it makes any sense to replace with that amount? is it not makes sense buying new, or else its much sense in buying a second hand working mob at half its cost to replace mother board or why replace we can use the same one instead, when i said just for no light in the display we need to spent so much that is almost the cost of a new? the reply was if you want you need then you have to spend because the problem lies in the mother board, I said its not my problem for designing in such a way where a small problem like audio blue tooth, or any media not working and the problem lies in the mother bard then they have to pay the cost of a new one to get repaired? What does this mean? when I questioned them the people who ever have this kind of problem and don’t have that much capability of spending so much money for repair then is that rig waste, the reply was yes, you can keep it for you in show room or throw it the reply came from them, So since then my heart was broken and hearted, i gave up interest in Sony Erricson stuff and products after onwards and try as far as i can to pass it on to all who go for this to be careful and advice not to buy their stuff, and more over the accessories like charger, head set, memory card, blue tooth is expensive then other mobiles too, after all this they still have no good service buying their products, I here by requests all and you too extending this information and advice to all as much as you can so the others may be aware and be careful getting cheated and save their money. Thank You.

Sat, 10 Jul 2010  suraj

I support this complaint.Hi
That’s really a true issue which I also faced buying Sony Erricsson, I had bought 3 Mobiles earlier and have 3 different problem in each set. just fed up with this stuff after I had approached the service centre and got a bad very bad service and still my mobile is in my junk box where if I try to repair it the its no wonder costing more then the new mobiles, hell with this product, i also saw a complain about this product in a leading news paper too, so I want to let others too aware of this and discontinue their product which is good for nothing, there are so many new products better then this now a days with many new features then this

Mon, 20 Jul 2009  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Sony Ericsson on July 20, 2009, 11:29 am