Shoppers Store - Fraud Arrow/Shoppers Stop-Cheating Customers by packing wrong size to clear stoc
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Complaint by: on September 1, 2013, 2:42 pm in Retail Stores

Fraud Arrow/Shoppers Stop-Cheating Customers by packing wrong size to clear stock

It is terrific experience I faced with the brand Arrow at Shoppers Stop, Salarpuria Tower-2, Near Forum Mall, Koramangala, Bangalore. Bill is dated 10/08/2013 in name of my firend Srijiv Dimri (with whom I did purchasing), cash memo#:8533, Store Id: 163.
I bought a party wear blazer of Arrow brand. It was sale for clearance of stock. The size I tried was of 42 (which can be seen in CCTV coverage) but while packing they packed and billed 44. Due to get clearance of larger size blazers which they have left in plenty, they intentionally or intentionally (not sure about their motive), did the fraud with me.
When I wore this blazer 1st time on 27th Aug’13 on my friend’s reception, my friends told me did you wear borrowed one because it does not suit you. That is the time I realized a brand has cheated with me. When I went to store for replacement on 1st of September’13, they clearly told this is not our fault. We will not do anything.
People prefer to choose brands which came to India because of their quality and service. Is this service acceptable by Arrow and service provider Shoppers Stop? When I went there for replacement, they said it is out of replacement time but No-Where on bill it is written it cannot be replaced within 20 days. It is showing 90 days. They started blaming you have used it on many occasions. How am I supposed to use it on many occasions when this shit does not even fit me?
Is customer supposed to pay for the fraud of company? If they want clearance of stock, they should do it but not by cheating customers? Is customer supposed the check each and every item 3-4 times to make sure that he has got the right product? The pain I felt while selecting the item, choosing the right size was not enough for me? Do I need to check at each step that I am not cheated?
Their representative made me wait for 1 hour before even answering me. I left my product with them and asked them to give me the only one which I have bought. When I asked those bastards to see CCTV coverage which size I tried and where you cheated me, they said do whatever you can do, we will not do any replacement.Please help me in getting my product/money back. Please suggest how to take legal action against such fraud people so that they do not cheat other customers like this.

Complainant's Goal: Cheating Customers by packing wrong size to clear stock I want my product
Complainant's Target: Shoppers Store
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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