Vriti Infocom - Fraud Advertisement of Reliance Vriti Infocom Ltd. at www.offers.connectindia.in
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Complaint by: drdogautam on January 22, 2011, 6:24 pm in Online Shopping

Dear Sir,
I would like to bring to your kind notice following points for further necessary action.
1. I am a customer of Reliance Netconnect Internet service. . My MDN no. is ********99. I am a central government officer in Ministry of Defence. I had purchased a Reliance Netconnect High Speed 1x Data Card on 09-11-2010 online through vriti infocom ltd. (through the site www.connectindia.in at the link www.offers.connectindia.in of this site) after saw their fraud advertisement of “2N/3D Free GOA holiday voucher with Data card purchasing*”. You can see this advertisement at this site because it is still there. I also have the advertisement mail which shows about this free holiday voucher. (*Offer brought to you by Vriti Infocom, an online partner of Reliance Communications)
2. Before purchasing this device I have talked with Mr. Ranvijay Singh Chandel (Sr. sales executive, Vriti infocom) and he told me I will get 2N/3D holiday voucher to GOA free after activating this device, also I will get a Reliance GSM SIM with 02 months free R-R (reliance to reliance) local calls.
3. But after purchase & activate this device when I got Holiday voucher I saw there are so many Terms & conditions imposed on it like I could avail that voucher only in summer time and I should pay Rs. 800.00 extra. Whereas at the time of purchasing the device such conditions were not disclosed to me. Even I told to Ranvijay that I will go GOA in Dec 2010 & would like to avail the holiday voucher in Dec.10 only then he said I could avail this voucher in Dec 2010. So I purchased the device & booked my air ticket for GOA. But after purchase and activation of device I came to know that I could avail the voucher only after March 2011 and I need to pay Rs. 800 for that.
4. I tried to contact Ranvijay but he did not picked up my phone & other people of Vriti infocom denied my request and said this is not possible for me to avail the voucher in Dec. 2010. I have sent many mails to every concern people of Reliance-Vriti infocom but i got same answer "NO" only.
I sent so many mails to datacard.support@relianceada.com & reliance.care@vriti.com, ranvijay.s@vriti-interactive.com, holiday.voucher@vriti-interactive.com etc. regarding the issue but nobody responds to me. The Vriti Infocom is functioning like autonomous body and seems to have no control from any other authority. They misguide innocent customers by fraud advertisements.
they have not mentioned about valid/not valid dates for this voucher in their mails. Even in advertisement they have not mentioned about the said T&C they reveal it only after activating the device. I have all mail conversations regarding this issue. I have all the mail sent to me by vriti executives & can provide you all the mails if you want.
I already booked my air tickets for GOA trip so I went there and pay for hotel accommodation. I paid Rs. 2100.00 for the hotel whereas it should be free of cost for me according to Reliance Advertisement. Also I got mental harassment by reliance-vriti executives. They misbehaved with me.
I want vriti should pay my hotel expenditure for GOA stay. I have hotel voucher of reliance-vriti but now it is not useful for me, I will give my voucher back to vriti & they should pay my hotel expenditure.

The Address of Vriti is:
Reliance Vriti-Infocom Pvt Ltd,
B-75, Sector-63,
Noida, UP-201307

I got delivered my data card at the address of my uncle at Delhi i.e.
C/o Satyavir Sharma
D-202, Green Valley Apartments,
Rohini, Delhi.

Now Reliance Vriti Personnel threaten me that Why I lodged a complaint in CORE (my complaint ID at CORE is 21530/4/2010 & 23558/2/2011) and DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS (my complaint number DOCAF/E/2011/00020 at www.pgportal.gov.in Lodged Under Ministry of Consumer Affairs) against them. On 12-01-2011 one of their executive told me that they can give me another voucher of GOA but sir now it is not useful for me because I came back from GOA. So I want Vriti Infocom ltd. should pay my GOA Hotel stay expenditure i.e. Rs. 2100.00 only. But they are not agreed for that.
Please sir look into the matter on priority otherwise they (Reliance Vriti Executive) can do anything as they said to me.

In view of the above problem, I decide to bring this matter in writing to your kind notice with the hope that this matter will be taken seriously to rectify the problem as early as possible.
Therefore, I would like to request you to take necessary action against this type of misguiding advertisements and setup an enquiry to rectify my problem & give me justice.
Thanks & Regards,

(Subhash Gautam)
Scientist, DRDO,
11-MOH, Vigyan Vihar,
Ph.: 0********67

Complainant's Goal: I want vriti must pay my hotel expenditure for GOA stay i.e. Rs. 2100/-.
Complainant's Target: Vriti Infocom
Complaint Location: IndiaUttarakhandDehradun
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Recent Comments
Sun, 06 Feb 2011   Message By Complainant subhash

i want all the victims of this fraud company should start a compaign against it. i am planning to lodge a case against Vriti & RCOM. I support this complaint.

Sun, 06 Feb 2011  Rajdeepsinh Rana

Same happened to me I bought GSM Card of Reliance through This Fraud Company. After delivery the Card i don't know where the person run away !!

Sat, 22 Jan 2011   Message By Complainant subhash gautam

I support this complaint.

Sat, 22 Jan 2011  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Vriti Infocom on January 22, 2011, 6:24 pm