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Complaint by: sandeep on August 19, 2009, 4:35 pm in Consumer Electronics

Respected Sir/Madam,
With due regards it is submitted that i bought one Godrej Brand AC(1.6 tons) 19G3 Model from Satlej Enterprises sector 35 chandigarh on 16/4/09. through “Coolex” organised by CII at Kisan Bhavan Sector 35 chandigarh in month of april 2009. They committed very fine service quality by providing three free services with my AC. But it was shocking for me that just before completing 3 months in first week of july my AC started problem in cooling and was producing unnecessary noises which were very odd one and also started emitting foul smell. On dated 2-7-09 i called the agency regarding regular first free service and they insured that their technician will do the job after 24 hours .I called them again to send technician but no one approached me. On july 9/7/09 i had several guests at home and i requested them again and again for sending the technicians but no one approached again. In the period of scorching heat there was no one to check my AC. It was so insulting for me and for my family that all my guests including two small children, my wife and my small daughter(3.5 years) spent those days in peak summer season, even with the availability of only AC at home. Actually I bought this AC specially for my wife who is in family way (Medical Report Enclosed) and doctor advised her proper rest under cool climate during harsh summer season. On friday dated 10-7-09 above dealer sent wrong technicians(from LG Company) as per their mistake against my request ID N9C******** Dated 9/7/09 who denied to check Godrej brand AC. Again I approached above dealer personally and called from my mobile several times . On evening of 13/7/09 their technician arrived and asked that “AC needs to be checked in workshop”. But no one bothered much to contact me again after that day. After Monday I called them again and again and again but all in vain. In parallel correspondence i also called to Godrej Helpline No 0172-********, where they registered my formal complaint on 14-7-09 complaint no given was 286347 with assurance our company engineer will approach you after 24 hours. No one from company or dealership visited me till friday dated 17-7-09. When i called Godrej company again and again they were replying our man is on the route and they will approach you shortly. On Friday they replied that we don’t have any responsibility to depute our technician as its a duty of SATLEJ ENTERPRISES who sell and provide the service of product. I visited personally on 18-7-09 to Satlej after calling several time and requested to send the technician then they send one man to pick my AC from home to workshop to refill the gas as the gas system was chocked described by technician.Before picking AC from my home I told their technician Mr. Beant Singh to deliver me receipts but he denied saying that I don’t have receipt book now. On the evening of 18-7-09 they delivered my AC back however the cooling was OK but i was shocked to see that front and backside fins of ac were worstly damaged while transport of dealer and colour of AC given back was not matching to my ac and it was also looking older piece. I put this matter strictly to dealer but no one bothered again.
On 28-7-09, I again registered a complaint vide complaint no.2********, and told about condition as mentioned above about AC. But again from 28-7-09 to till 9-8-09 no one approached to check my AC,as the condition of AC is found very bad even after repair as it was turned more noisy, emitting very foul smell and lot more problems. I Again visited personally at their premises to request to send technician to check AC. On 10-10-08 evening their technician visited my house and did the service of AC. After service I requested the technician to note down the cabinet number of the AC and compressor number but it was so shocking to see that after the repair /gas charging of 18-7-09 “Satlej Enterprises” have replaced my new AC with other AC which appears older piece. The numbers marked on the ac was different than my actual AC. The numbers written on my actual AC was 14440******** and G1********7 whereas after repair/gas charging of18/7/09, they delivered AC. No.14440******** and G06C********33. It is big fraudulent practice with the customer. When I informed the above on dated 11-8-09 regarding their fault the owner of above dealership told carelessly that “if cooling is ok , there is no need to worry if AC is changed. Then I protested and replied that I paid for a brand new AC and why I should I sacrifice my new AC due to your fault. I handed the proof of actual cabinet and compressor number of my AC after that. It was also spoken by the dealer that we don’t keep any record regarding cabinet and compressor numbers. Sir,This is strict violation of marketing norms that they don’t keep any record or they are replying false .On dated 11-8-09 their executive Mr. Jatinder informed me on my mobile phone that my actual AC is traced and It will be returned in sharp two days which is not returned till dated 19-8-09.I also put all these facts in front of Godrej Helpline and dealer on phone and by writing e-mail but nothing delivered fruitful because they never informed me regarding any serious action taken. I requested again to Godrej company and clarify the fraud played with me by their dealer and in the evening of 17-8-09 they provided their technician to check the matter. Another technician from Kapoor Enterprises , provided by Godrej and he also supported my claim verbally that AC has been changed.
Now I have no more trust on “Satlej Enterprises” and Godrej Company, even I cant be satisfied only with return of AC which delivered to any other person or used any other way or I don’t know much what they have performed with it by keeping for one month. I am sure that my AC has been delivered to anybody else. I purchase new AC on installments and I am still paying the amount every month. They also violated the consumer rights by cheating with me and supplying me other AC against me new one without any written or verbal information to me.
I request you to direct them to give me brand new AC for which I am paying and they should also be punished with heavy penalty creating me harassment, hurting my dignity as Class one Officer of Govt., violation of my consumer rights and causing harassment to my family. The Godrej Company did not act seriously against my complaints and I request you again that they should also be punished as per rules for showing non cooperation and non serious behavior as they are controller of their products marketing and servicing , so that no consumer will face humiliation like me in future.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
(Sandeep Kumar),
Flat No.1604/A,Sector 38-B,
Officers Flats (Punjab Govt.)
Chandigarh. Mob.********37

Complainant's Goal: To stop violation of consumer rigths and to take brand new ac for which i am pay
Complainant's Target: Godrej India
Complaint Location: Indiachandigarh
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Mon, 24 Aug 2009  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Godrej India on August 24, 2009, 11:31 am