Tripgateway - False promises verbally before payment, true terms in mail after payment
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Complaint by: Mamta on October 14, 2016, 7:52 pm in Travel and Vacations

Friends Beware,
Got a call from 1203968300/1206500365/1203966900 about offers on 3 - 5 star hotel bookings which I clearly was not interested. But the smart and persuasive sales executive Mr. Krishna ( thats what he and a mail from him claimed ) was going on and till the validity caught my attention, as well as the tall claim of 5000+ hotels and resorts that I can book from.
As I was travelling to Rajasthan in December and anyway was at booking accodmodation in there, he said they got lot of hotels in the desired destination too. I asked him to share his inventory, which he asked me to pull from their website. And the inventory was not good enough, not sure though none fell in starred category which they claimed to provide bookings in. I told him the same, to which he said the inventory is updated regularly and more hotels keep getting added and hence is not exhaustive list. He asked me for names of hotels I wished to get booking into to check availability of dates , and said he will be able to provide confirmed booking for sure. Also went on to mention except Hyatt, Leela , Oberoi + 2 more , they can provide in Le Meridien , mumbai also which was in my wish list too.
Though he spoke most about the free gifts, and i was pretty unsure of the gifts coming but thought at least let the bookings happen. I asked him one last time, if I pay up now , will I get the Hotel confirmation voucher today itself, he confirmed and said for sure that can happen. I asked him a mail on that, he denied and quoting stories blah blah ...
So, gave in and shelled out 8999/-.
Next day, I get a confirmation mail from them, which clearly mentions that they can provide bookings only in their listed inventory. And this executive insists on me to achknowledge the same mail with "I accept / acknowledge". I replied mentioning that if I get booking in my wished hotels only then I accept. He says as per procedure, I dont have to write ramayan/bhaagvath in the ack mail and that I can write a separate mail with ramayan story( basically the conditions which he promised a day earlier )
And during the discussion we were having, there was another revelation that the confirmation voucher of hotel booking can be provided 72 hours before checkin time, that was another shock. Just previous day before I pay up , this was very same guy who said immediate confirmation etc etc. When I started talking a little sternly and asking for refund, he said you dont have to show this much attitude, you will have to follow procedure to get what u want.
They have sent a soft copy of a form, which I need fill up , scan n mail them for the booking procedure. I am now pretty sure, they will not be able to provide me the booking in hotels of my wish list, when they are so adamant about me acknowleding to their terms mentioned in black and white which are not aligned with what they had promised me verbally.

My humble request to Tripgateway to refund my money back for making verbal promises other than their terms, and insisting me on acknowledging to their terms.


Here is the snippet of the mail indicating the transaction id -

Thank you for choosing a wonderful holiday package of 4N/5D Kindly refer below for the package details.

· This Offer is valid for 04 persons.
· The offer is a promotional offer which will cost you only INR 8999.
· Offer stands valid for 4N/5D for India, Thailand and Malaysia along with all the taxes.
· Offer can be utilized with our listed resort only and our resort is increasing on daily basis.
· Resorts list are subject to up gradation.
· Split of the package is allowed for 2 nights and 03 days on one destination and rest 02 nights and 03 days on another destination for 2 persons.
· Offer is not valid for black out period i.e. Offer cannot be utilized between 20th Dec to 07th Jan of each year.
· Offer is non transfer able, non cancel able and non redeem able for cash.
· Offer is valid for 01 year and validity start of the package since the day of transaction with us.
· Offer is stand valid for accommodation only.
· Offer does not include for Meal and Transport, or any another private services.
· For hotel booking you need to give 21-30 days prior intimation.
· All kinds of Taxes are include.
· Group bookings if found all the bookings will be cancelled and offer is not valid for who have availed similar offer earlier or who doesn’t fulfills the booking criteria.

You will get a welcome kit from Trip Gateway within 10 to 17 working days in your registered mailing address with us and it will contain a booking voucher form and for booking you need to fill the Booking voucher form and send it back in to the given address with the help of given instructions and call to our customer care executive.
Referral gift as per referral plan on our website if you have any objections or issue then please let us knows. And Tripgateway will entertain only email Correspondence for any product and promotional offer, No verbal and telephonic conversation will be entertained.
Note: - Please call us at +91 120 6500365,692 (10:30 am to 6:30 pm) or write to us on for any future means of communication.
The transaction id for your purchase -2*********


Complainant's Goal: Get back my money
Complainant's Target: Tripgateway
Complaint Location: IndiaTamil NaduChennai
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Fri, 14 Oct 2016  Prakash

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