Exalt Consulting Placement Services Pvt Ltd - False hopes for job placement-worst consultancy-complete shut down required
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Complaint by: Mekhla Mukherjee on October 10, 2017, 4:53 pm in Career and Employment

I am writing to let people know in abundance as to how this this consultancy, namely Exalt Consulting based in Bangalore are making money by giving false hopes to candidates. I am a candidate with 7 years of working experience in testing domain I registered with this consultancy on 26th May 2017 and the time until which they have promised to place me somewhere is 3 months, its been 1 and half month, till now not even one interview they have been able to schedule for me. I am looking for a job in Mumbai and at the time of registration every person at the consultancy will call at least 100 times to make sure you register by paying 5279 Rs, that is it after that noone from the consultancy is bothered to even answer your calls/emails. The first interview that they had scheduled was for a non relevant profile and one more that was for Bangalore location although my application form clearly states my job location needs to be Mumbai. I have written in total 116 emails to this consultancy including the grievance officer, noone has bothered to address the concern, forget getting a job the contact persons will not even pick up calls at the time you need them.None of the departments in the consultancy has any coordination about anything going on with a candidate also the customer care representatives give false information when you call, I was informed by the customer care executive, Mohammed that the second interview job location is Mumbai although after me doing some thorough research found that the company where the interview was scheduled does not have any base in Mumbai at all, then the placement officer finally confirmed that the job location is Bangalore. After I wrote an email to the grievance team about this incident, obviously noone responses, the next day I received an email from the consultancy placement team asking about the review about the interview that I actually never attended because of incorrect work location, hence this shows the lack of coordination, the people at the consultancy dnt even bother to read your emails. When you call the customer care support who do not know head and tail of the candidate's profile, will only tell you to drop in an email and that we will receive a response by the end of day that never ever comes. The consultancy has claimed to refund the registration amount by end of 3 months in case they aren't able to give a job hence its pretty clear that their only way of making money is through interest derived from candidate's registration amount as they are not at all capable of getting you a descent job, at the time of registration they will promise though that they have openings in a lot of MNCs and getting a job for an experience candidate is not difficult at all however nothing of it is true as their only focus is to get the registration money from the candidate. Its been 1 and half months of my registration I am waiting for the other 1 and half months to get over so that I can claim my refund, seeing the response of the firm I can surely say getting the money back will also be a great challenge, so I am prepared to visit the consultancy with a legal attorney as they have not left me any other choice. Its by far the worst set up and cheapest organization that I ve ever known, a firm that takes advantage of candidates like us desperately looking for a job to mint money. Please please please dnt waste your time, energy and money considering this consultancy for your job search.

The system will not accept anything less than 1 star which mens that the rating is bad but for a firm like this there cannot exist a rating at all as they are below everything and the cheapest organization.

I am updating this thread to let people know that this consultancy has not been able to get me a job in 3 months, I have filed for refund on 26th August 2017, the consultancy tool 1 month to acknowledge my refund and said that I am eligible for refund on 9th Sept 2017.today is 10th October 2017 and I still dnt see the money in my account. I have sent more than 100 odd emails but there is no acknowledgement.I dnt have any more words to explain how much fraud this consultancy is and how they are making money from the interest earned by keeping candidate's money for indefinite amount of time.

I am waiting for 18th Oct 2017 which as per my calculation completes 18 working days from 9th Sept 2017 post which I will be filing an FIR against this consultancy, its not about the money anymore its about exposing this consultancy in public so other candidates are not fooled/cheated. There has been reports in the past on all leading newspapers about this consultancy being fraud and how they make money by lying to job seeking candidates, somehow they got away with it and now I believe its time again to have the issue reported and dealt with legally so consultancies/companies like this cannot play with people's emotions.

Complainant's Goal: So that other job seeking candidates like me are not duped by such frauds.
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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